Page 4 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report 1.25.22
P. 4

Dear Investors,

                                                            Oxford  West  Apartments  maintains  a  consistent  pace  heading  into
                                                            Q2.  Below  is  a  brief  update  on  Industry  Trend,  Investment  Return,  and
                                                            Investment Performance..

                                                            INDUSTRY TREND

                                                            Oxford  West  is  currently  80%  occupied.  With  the  market  still  recovering
                                                            from  the  Pandemic  disruption  last  year,  Miami  University  welcomed  its
                                                            largest incoming class this year, increasing freshmen enrollment by 24%.
                                                            Freshmen  and  Sophomores  are  required  to  live  on  campus;  however,
                                                            this increase will push more upper classman into the off-campus housing
                                                            market. Some international students were able to return for Fall 2021 and
                                                            Spring  2022.  International  enrollment  is  expected  to  return  to  pre-covid
                                                            numbers by Fall of 2022. This will ultimately aid in our lease up efforts and
                                                            restore our traditional resident demographic.

                                                            INVESTMENT RETURN

                                                            The  General  Partner  will  continue  to  suspend  cash  distributions  to  the
                                                            partnership until occupancy returns to an acceptable level. In attempt to
                                                            reduce strain on the cash performance, the management team has worked
                                                            to reduce staffing and the scope of some service contracts. Nevertheless,
                                                            with  the  property  hovering  just  below  breakeven,  we  are  unable  to  fully
                                                            absorb  core  expenses.  Consequently,  in  accordance  with  the  Limited
                                                            Partnership Agreement (LPA), Section 5.6c, the General Partner elected to
                                                            loan the partnership 100K to cover Q1 outstanding expenses while income
                                                            was limited. We believe this was the preferred route to avoid a capital call
                                                            to all the members of the partnership. The loan will be repaid later at a rate
                                                            of Prime + 2%, according to the LPA. The General Partner believes the
                                                            100K  was  sufficient  to  sustain  the  property  at  breakeven.  Ultimately,  we
                                                            regret that the property is unable to provide a consistent cash return to the
                                                            partnership as originally projected; therefore, we are working feverishly to
                                                            improve occupancy with the goal of either resuming cash distributions or a
                                                            potential disposition of the asset with a full return of your initial investment.
                                                            We will continue to monitor cash levels and provide an update at the end
                                                            of Q3.

                                                            INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE

                                                            Preleasing has just begun for the 2022-23 Academic Year. Oxford West is
                                                            19.6% preleased, which is comprised of 74 renewals and 33 new leases.
                                                            The  four  bedrooms  are  the  most  popular  floorplan  in  the  early  market
                                                            with the undergrads. Oxford West had the strongest prelease velocity in
                                                            the market during winter break and are currently ahead of our forecasted
                                                            prelease goals for the year. With the return of our international market, we
                                                            expect to reach our current prelease goal of 93%. The management team
                                                            has  implemented  Valentine  Renewal  incentive  to  encourage  early  lease
                                                            and renewals, as well as cross promotion at hockey games—waiving fees
                                                            for those who attend the game and bring in their wristbands.

                                                            Thank you for your partnership.
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