Page 8 - Oxford West Investor Quarterly Report 1.25.22
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Income Statement - Budget vs Actual
                                                                                                                     Oxford West
                                                                                                                       Jan 2022
                                                                                                                    Accrual Basis

                                                                                                                Jan 2022                                          YTD ( Aug 2021 - Jan 2022 )
                               Account                  Account Name                            Actual       Budget     $ Variance    % Variance        Actual       Budget       $ Variance     % Variance  Annual Budget
                                Property: Oxford West
                                  Rental Income
                                    5120                Gross Potential Rent (GPR)          386,800.00    385,390.00     1,410.00        0.37%    2,315,390.00   2,312,340.00      3,050.00          0.13%    4,624,680.00
                                    5125                Gain/Loss to Lease                  (40,906.00)   (28,509.00)  (12,397.00)      -43.48%    (209,356.73)  (179,953.00)     (29,403.73)      -16.34%    (351,007.00)
                                Cost Of Leasing
                                5220                    Rent Loss-Vacancy                   (86,512.00)   (79,740.00)   (6,772.00)       -8.49%    (509,170.00)  (500,110.00)      (9,060.00)       -1.81%    (966,550.00)
                                5221                    Rent Loss-Model                      (1,415.00)    (1,500.00)      85.00         5.67%       (8,490.00)    (9,000.00)        510.00          5.67%     (18,000.00)
                                5222                    Rent Loss-Security                   (1,480.00)    (1,480.00)       0.00         0.00%       (8,880.00)    (8,880.00)         0.00           0.00%     (17,760.00)
                                5223                    Employee Units                       (3,076.00)    (3,186.00)     110.00         3.45%      (18,277.00)   (18,816.00)        539.00          2.86%     (37,932.00)
                                5250                    Concessions                              0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00%       (6,136.70)    (6,480.00)        343.30          5.30%      (6,480.00)
                                5255                    Bad Debt Expense                     (8,724.19)    (2,958.90)   (5,765.29)     -194.85%     (17,486.97)    (8,828.70)      (8,658.27)      -98.07%     (23,743.20)
                                                                      Total Cost Of Leasing  (101,207.19)  (88,864.90)  (12,342.29)     -13.89%    (568,440.67)  (552,114.70)     (16,325.97)       -2.96%   (1,070,465.20)
                                                                         Net Rental Income  244,686.81    268,016.10   (23,329.29)       -8.70%   1,537,592.60   1,580,272.30     (42,679.70)       -2.70%    3,203,207.80
                                Other Income
                                5142                    Furniture Income                        80.00          0.00        80.00        100.00%        534.00          0.00          534.00        100.00%          0.00
                                5146                    Relet Fee                              500.00        250.00       250.00        100.00%       2,208.28      2,900.00        (691.72)       -23.85%       4,900.00
                                5914                    Vending Income                           0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00%         115.55          0.00          115.55        100.00%          0.00
                                5920                    Late Charge Income                    2,047.00      2,000.00       47.00         2.35%       10,991.00     10,500.00         491.00          4.68%      19,500.00
                                5924                    NSF Check Fee Income                   150.00        100.00        50.00         50.00%        550.00        600.00          (50.00)        -8.33%       1,200.00
                                5926                    Administrative Fee                       0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00%        (720.00)         0.00         (720.00)      -100.00%          0.00
                                5927                    Resident Insurance Program               0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00%         (36.00)         0.00          (36.00)      -100.00%          0.00
                                5929                    Hold Over Fee                          247.19          0.00       247.19        100.00%       3,247.19         0.00        3,247.19        100.00%          0.00
                                5930                    Resident Damages                         0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00%        6,840.74      4,000.00       2,840.74         71.02%       5,500.00
                                5932                    Cleaning Fee                             0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00%        (470.84)      2,000.00       (2,470.84)     -123.54%       2,000.00
                                5950                    Lease Termination Fees                   0.00          0.00         0.00         0.00%       12,500.00         0.00       12,500.00        100.00%          0.00
                                5951                    Application Fees                        90.00        225.00      (135.00)       -60.00%        180.00       1,350.00       (1,170.00)      -86.67%       9,000.00
                                5952                    Onetime Pet Fee Income                  90.00        900.00      (810.00)       -90.00%       9,210.00     10,200.00        (990.00)        -9.71%      12,300.00
                                5953                    Fines                                    0.00        250.00      (250.00)      -100.00%       1,225.81      1,350.00        (124.19)        -9.20%       2,850.00
                                5954                    Replmnt Keys/Cards/Lock Outs            75.00         75.00         0.00         0.00%         270.00        500.00         (230.00)       -46.00%        950.00
                                5956                    Utility Income                       24,815.50     37,100.00   (12,284.50)      -33.11%     116,517.50    122,971.00       (6,453.50)       -5.25%     241,771.00
                                5957                    Transfer Fees                          500.00        250.00       250.00        100.00%        650.00       1,250.00        (600.00)       -48.00%       3,000.00
                                5964                    Monthly Pet Rent Income               1,290.00      1,200.00       90.00         7.50%        8,200.00      7,050.00       1,150.00         16.31%      14,250.00
                                                                        Total Other Income   29,884.69     42,350.00   (12,465.31)      -29.43%     172,013.23    164,671.00       7,342.23          4.46%     317,221.00
                                                                             Total Income   274,571.50    310,366.10   (35,794.60)      -11.53%   1,709,605.83   1,744,943.30     (35,337.47)       -2.03%    3,520,428.80
                                Controllable Expenses
                                      Payroll Office

                                        6091            Community Assistants                   802.13       1,716.67      914.54         53.27%       6,323.72     11,300.02       4,976.30         44.04%      21,600.04

                              Income Statement - Budget vs Actual 2.5 generated 02/18/2022 02:58 PM EST and data as of 02/18/2022 02:58 PM EST                                                                 Page 1 of 5
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