Page 148 - Making Instruction Work
P. 148

chap 12  3/14/97 3:06 PM  Page 134

             134                making instruction work

                Here are some examples:

             Example #1:

                Objective: Be able to replace any component in an
                             R-Bander aircraft engine. Conditions: shop
                             environment, tools and manual available.
                             Criterion: No damage to tools or engine;
                             replacements are made according to R-B proce-

             Thinking it through: (The checklist on the following page is a
             job aid often used in the preparation of relevant practice
             descriptions.) The numbered items below refer to the num-
             bered items on the checklist.
                 1. “Let’s see. The performance called for is that of replacing

                 2. “The criteria talk about the performance itself (replace-
                   ments are made according to R-B procedures) as well as
                   the product of the performance (correctly replaced parts
                   as well as undamaged tools and engine). That means I
                   should record (e.g., videotape) the performance so that
                   it can be reviewed later.

                 3. “To make practice possible, I’ll have to provide an engine
                   on a bench, some tools, some replacement parts, and the
                   manual. Oh, yes; I’ll also need a video recording setup.
                   That way students can evaluate their own practice per-

               4,5. “Now about adequacy feedback. How can I provide the
                   basis for letting students decide whether their perfor-
                   mance is OK or not OK? Hmm, I can provide a checklist
                   of key items. That way they can review their videotape to
                   see whether their work matches the checklist items.
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