Page 16 - Newsletter January 2021
P. 16

Nature’s Song                                             Her soul sings candour
                                                                  even when darkness takes up the lead
        Euphonious she sings                                      the stars flare up brighter
        like an essence of world defiles                          to pulverize that deed
        The ardent sun ray swings

        The ardent moonlight beguiles                             The song,now is exacerbating
                                                                  for which seems no silver ray
        Surreptitiously she resides                               The nature is fading
        where no avarice blows                                    and there is no other way
        Her apparent blurry light escorts
        to a place where meliorating glory flows                  The bird’s humming

                                                                  was mother nature’s creation
        The ostentatious coral reef                               Now she sings,sorrowing
        and the ascetic song of no desire                         because of the torturing sensation
        Secrets implicitly brief
        for which it lights a fire                                She sits idly
                                                                  in her own world
        She walks past,                                           Like a fire flaring dimly
        leaving trails of prudent power                           or a wind which once whirled
        Her virtues are heaven surpassed
        as that of the song of bloomed flower                     Glimpsing only devastation

                                                                  which was her fault of lax
        Her benevolence                                           Together we can build a recreation
        is the water for fire                                     even if our limits are pushed to max
        Her credulousness
        is having no misanthropy for human dire                   Devarsh Bhatia, VII-C
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