Page 13 - AnnualReportFlip-2014
P. 13

“The Bridge” based in Hudson, provides students with dual-certiied teachers, small Students enrolled in the
classes, personalized attention, credit recovery, and project-based learning targeted to Bridge Program
individual needs. Katie said she was reluctant at irst, but decided a fresh start was
exactly what she needed. 74 %

“I came to the conclusion that I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity. I didn’t want to of Bridge students improved
be one of those people who say they want to change their life, but never do anything their overall grade performance
about it,” Katie says. “Luckily, someone saw something in me that I didn’t.” in their first semester.

That “something” was potential, and Katie has proven that she has it in abundance. 54 %

“Katie didn’t feel conident in her abilities. She was in school because she had to be,” of Bridge students immediately
says Farrell. “Through The Bridge Program, she has blossomed. She knows she has a improved their school
future. She’s happy. She avoids bad behaviors. She’s learned to be her own advocate. attendance in their first week.
Katie is an amazing individual, and I’m incredibly proud of her.”

Dr. Farrell’s pride is well founded: Katie is earning grades in the 90s while earning a
paycheck doing custodial work at the school six hours per week. She is living happily
with a friend’s mother and is doing all of the things she loves most—ishing, swimming,
four wheeling, and writing poetry. She is also making plans to enlist in the Army upon
graduation. And that’s only the beginning.

“I want to become an Army Ranger, and from there go to Nyack College to study
psychology. I want to understand the human mind and human interactions and
then work with kids like me,” Katie explains. “Most of all, I want to be a foster parent
someday. I want to show kids all the love I didn’t receive.”

Katie graduates in June, but plans to visit the Bridge Program from time to time to
mentor students and pay it forward.

“The thought of leaving here makes me sad,” Katie says. “But I’m so thankful that I
kept an open mind and enrolled here. I’d say to anyone in my shoes, ‘What’s the worst
that can happen? You’re not doing yourself any favors by not exploring your options.’”

And now, options are something

Katie has plenty of.
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