Page 37 - VT Student Handbook-Rev 6.12.19_Neat
P. 37

Murray State College
                                                                                         Veterinary Technology
                                                                                            Student Handbook

                                                                    From Here… Go Anywhere.

                           Veterinary Technology Program Student Handbook

                                          STUDENT UNDERSTANDING FORM

                   Read and initial following each statement only after you fully understand each item.

                       1.  I understand this handbook is in addition to the policies and procedures in the
                          Murray State College Student Handbook. _____
                       2.  I understand this program will assist me to think and function as a team member,
                          and as a student; I must share responsibility with the faculty for the learning
                          process. This includes asking questions and communicating concerns and areas of
                          weakness to the instructor. If I do not ask questions and participate actively in the
                          learning process, I will not be successful. _____
                       3.  I understand I must successfully demonstrate skills in front of my classmates and
                          instructors in the laboratory before being allowed to progress to a clinical
                          environment. _____
                       4.  As a student, I am expected to take full advantage of skills lab opportunities and
                          materials in studying and practicing veterinary technician skills, which includes
                          out of class time. _____
                       5.  I understand that I will use proper etiquette when addressing faculty and staff.
                          This includes but not limited to: not interrupting them when they are talking to
                          someone else, knock before entering their offices, make an appointment to meet
                          with them and maintain composure and professional demeanor when interacting
                          with them. _____
                       6.  I understand that I will respect my classmates and faculty at all times by my
                          behavior. This means I will not use language or act in ways that may be offensive
                          in nature. I will keep noise levels low in areas where other students are
                          working/studying. _____
                       7.  I understand that if I develop an injury or any condition that prevents me from
                          safe participation in each Veterinary Technology course and/or lab skill my
                          ability to complete the program on time will be impacted. I will not complete the
                          program if I am unable to safely complete all program essential job requirements
                          and technical standards. I have reviewed the Essential Job Requirements and
                          Technical Standards in the Veterinary Technology Student Handbook. _____

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