Page 36 - VT Student Handbook-Rev 6.12.19_Neat
P. 36

Murray State College
                                                                                         Veterinary Technology
                                                                                            Student Handbook

                                                                    From Here… Go Anywhere.

                                      Murray State College Veterinary Technology
                                               Rabies Vaccination Waiver

                   I have read the material provided and understand that due to my occupational exposure to animals, I
                   may be at risk of exposure to rabies infection. After reading this material and in consultation with my

                   1.  I have chosen to have pre-exposure rabies vaccination. The dates the vaccinations were
                   administered were:
                   ___________________, ____________________, and _____________________.

                   Please list the name and address of the physician who administered the pre-exposure rabies

                   Name: __________________________________________________________

                   Address: _________________________________________________________


                   Phone: __________________________________________________________

                   Student Signature: _________________________________________________


                   2.   I decline to undergo pre-exposure rabies prophylactic vaccination.

                   Name (please print)

                   __________________________________________ ______________________
                   Student Signature                                                         Date


                   Parent or Guardian Signature (if student is under 18 years of age)

                        Murray State College    One Murray Campus    Tishomingo, OK 73460    580-387-7000   Fax 580-371-9844 

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