Page 31 - VT Student Handbook-Rev 6.12.19_Neat
P. 31

Murray State College
                                                                                         Veterinary Technology
                                                                                            Student Handbook

                                                                   From Here… Go Anywhere.

                                                Media Consent & Release

                   For valuable consideration given to me, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,
                   I hereby give and grant to Murray State College Veterinary Technology Program (“Advertiser”), and
                   their respective assignees, licensees, successors in interest, agents, and legal representatives (herein
                   collectively the “Licensed Parties”), the right to use, publish and copyright my name(s), photo(s) or
                   video of me and/or my pet(s), for unlimited worldwide usage in all media and types of advertising
                   and promotion of the Murray State College Veterinary Technology Program.

                          I agree and understand that any photographs or videos I submit to the Licensed Parties
                          hereunder or which are taken of me, and/or my pet(s) by the Licensed Parties shall become
                          the property of the Advertiser and will not be returned to me.

                          I agree that no advertisement or other material need be submitted to me for any further
                          approval prior to Licensed Parties’ use.

                          Nothing herein will constitute any obligation on the Licensed Parties to make any use of any
                          of the rights set forth herein.

                          I hereby release and discharge the Licensed Parties from all claims, demands, actions,
                          judgments, and liabilities whatsoever that I have now or may have in the future arising out of
                          Licensed Parties’ use of rights that are granted hereunder.

                          I am of legal age and capacity and have read and understand the content of this Media
                          Consent & Release.

                   _________________________________________      ______________________________________________
                   Signature                                         Printed Name

                   Street Address                             City/State/Zip Code


                   _______________________________                   ______________________________________
                   Witness Signature                                 Date

                        Murray State College    One Murray Campus    Tishomingo, OK 73460    580-387-7000   Fax 580-371-9844 

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