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                  EMIRATES CORPORATE

                  SUPPORT                                                                                                                                                   Emirates Management

                                                                                                                                                                            Emirates management is one of the largest and
                  Liberal Lawyers                                                                                                                                           most efficient management companies in the

                  Liberal Lawyers is the pre-eminent law                                                                                                                    region. Our services include Strategic Consultancy,
                  firm in the UAE operating from Dubai.                                                                                                                      Business Intelligence, Outsourcing, HR Gamification,
                  Established in 2007, the firm is committed                                                                                                                 Headhunting & Recruitments, etc. The firm is

                  to delivering the highest quality advice,                                                                                                                 projected to account for approximately a quarter
                  litigation and paralegal services that                                                                                                                    of all hirings in the tech sector in UAE. In the next
                  focus on the needs of our clients with                                                                                                                    few years, the company is expected to become

                  timely solutions to their legal problems.                                                                                                                 the leader in corporate management solutions
                  We have a strong team who understands                                                                                                                     across the GCC region.

                  the dynamics of UAE and the global
                  markets - with most of them being                                                                                                                         Emirates Supply Chain
                  multilingual speakers.
                                                                                                                                                                            Emirates Supply Chain offers state of the art

                  Emirates Communications                                                                                                                                   logistics, warehousing, integrated supply chain
                                                                                                                                                                            management, f reight management,less
                  Emirates Communications is the brand                                                                                                                      than truck load (LTL) and e commerce solutions.

                  planning arm of Emirates Corporate                                                                                                                        Our organization helps to move goods in the
                  Support. It focuses on delivering brand                                                                                                                   lowest turnaround time, whilst ensuring client
                  & communication strategies to clients.                                                                                                                    satisfaction. Considering the  pace at which

                  Emirates Communications specializes                                                                                                                       digital products/services are gaining ground,
                  in developing brand architecture, brand                                                                                                                   Emirates Supply Chain is steadily transitioning

                  strategy, positioning, etc., to transform                                                                                                                 into a digital 3PL and warehousing solutions
                  businesses in terms of brand perception. The agency has successfully                                        provider for small and medium size  enterprises (SMEs) all across the GCC.
                  repositioned and rebranded both small- and large-scale businesses with its

                  original and insightful solutions.                                                                         Emirates ICT

                  Emirates Procurement                                                                                        Emirates ICT is renowned in the region as a major player supplying commercial IT
                                                                                                                              equipment, managed IT services, data centers, IoT (Internet of Things) ERP solutions

                  Emirates Procurement forms part of the larger Emirates Corporate Support                                    and various other tech and digital communication products/services. Emirates ICT

                  Group that offers trendsetting corporate services to corporations in the UAE                                aims to transform the digital landscape of UAE by introducing cutting edge
                  Our team negotiates the most reasonable costs with vendor to supply our                                     communications technology via subsidiaries i-technologies and Oakland (golden
                  clients with supplies and materials. The group is committed to reduce costs                                 partner of Odoo).

                  and increase value to its client-base.

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