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Emirates Human Resources Oakland (Golden Partner of Odoo ERP)
Emirates Human Resources aims to become the largest and most efficient ADDCO recognizes the significance of technology in our daily lives. Hence,
human resource company in the region which includes Strategic Consultancy, the Group is rapidly adopting the latest and most advanced practices from
Outsourcing, HR Gamification, Headhunting & recruitments, etc. Emirates the world of technology. Emirates ICT (Our IT and communications company)
Human Resources is a subsidiary of the larger Emirates Management frequently connects with thought leaders from the IT world to discuss
company; which provides 360 corporate management solutions to clients exciting projects for the present and future.
based all over the GCC region.
To highlight our commitment to promoting IT in the region, the company
Taodeef invested in OAKLAND (golden partner of Odoo ERP), which offers custom
-tailored solutions to SMEs as well as large corporations to offer smoother
Taodeef specializes in providing corporate outsourcing solutions to companies and seamless operations in all areas of a business. The software is a benchmark
in various industries. Our scope of services includes permanent and temporary in its niche; and is enabling businesses to attain rapid growth and success.
staffing, visa and payroll solutions, executive search, PRO services etc. We i-Technologies
have a proven track record of providing top notch solutions to clients belonging
to industries such as banking and finance, IT, Healthcare, Hospitality and i-Technologies, subsidiary of Emirates ICT is a world-class global business
Leisure, Supply Chain and Logistics, Events and Exhibition. acceleration firm focused on helping technology companies to establish
and expand a strong presence throughout the GCC, Middle East and North
Africa, through a proven combination of expert guidance, rich relationships
and a strong local presence. We assist companies in all stages, from initial
market assessments and qualification, to general business development
and growth acceleration.