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KEY PROJECTS  LULU Island                                                                                             KEY PROJECTS  Abu Dhabi Old Airport

                  LULU Island is a man-made
                                                                                                                                         Abu Dhabi Old Airport was
                                                                                                                                         constructed 5 decades ago
                  island on the outskirts of
                                                                                                                                         under our leadership to serve
                  Abu Dhabi serving both as a
                                                                                                                                         outbound passengers. Our
                  recreational spot and as a wall
                  protecting Abu Dhabi from

                                                                                                                                         large influx of people from
                  the high tides of the Arabian
                                                                                                                                         all corners of the world due
                  Sea. We were given the                                                                                                 leadership had anticipated
                  challenging task of managing the sand mounds surrounding the area.                                                     to a large number of job and business opportunities.

                  Marib Dam                                                                                                              Ghaithi City

                  Development                                                                                                            Redevelopment

                  The development of the Marib                                                                                           When we took over the red

                  Dam is another feather in                                                                                              evelopment of Ghaithi City,
                  our cap. Located in Yemen,                                                                                             we were faced with plenty

                  this historic dam dates back                                                                                           of challenges; but with sound

                  to the 8  century – with our                                                                                           leadership of ADDCO’s
                  redevelopment work ranked                                                                                              founder, the formerly Bedouin

                  as one of the most astounding feats in the realm of engineering.                                                       settlement is now a well-established city without losing its touch of heritage.

                  Abu Dhabi                                                                                                              Corporate Social

                  Central Hospital                                                                                                       Responsibility (CSR)

                  One of the landmark health-                                                                                            Supporting the pillars of the
                  care centers, Abu Dhabi                                                                                                society has always been the

                  Central Hospital continues to                                                                                          main objective of our group,
                  serve patients in the heart of                                                                                         and to that end, we regularly

                  Abu Dhabi. The hospital was                                                                                            conduct competitions, support

                  built under the leadership of                                                                                          entrepreneurial activities,
                  His Excellency Rashid Bin                                                                                              or phan car e pr ojec ts,

                  Aweidha Al Qubaisi and features state of the art facilities.                                                           vocational training, Holy Quran recitation awards among others.

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             DEVELOPING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE                                                                                                                                                        DEVELOPING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE
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