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KEY SERVICES Investment Banking Merchant Services
Our merchant services focus on developing and
ADDCO offers you investment banking
enhancing secure fund transaction processes for
solutions that cover all types of financial
clients. We have qualified experts on our payroll
markets. Our team of professional
to develop innovative payment solutions that
advisors have an international expertise
leverage digital technologies for a convenient and
in the provision of services in every period
hassle-free experience.
of raising capital. Investors often need
advising and support, whether they are
Credit Card Virtual Terminals and Fraud Management
just venturing into the investment world Our scope of services includes Payment Gateways,
Solutions. Since the majority of our clients deal in
or are seasoned investors. large sums of money, we have fool-proof payment
Our work lies in providing our clients with systems in place to thwart any malicious attack.
many measured solutions, which lead to Moreover, our security experts provide round the
corporations obtaining the necessary clock support to our clients’ needs.
tools for project management in a Capital Market
professional and precise manner. Due
to our extensive experience and our ADDCO is one of the largest providers of capital
massive data base, we can perform a market transactions in the region. We provide
thorough risk identification and develop integrated trading solutions to our clients; whilst
the required solutions offering a single point of contact to manage your
Treasury Services transactions in a seamless fashion.
Our Capital Market solutions include UAE Market
ADDCO’s treasury solutions are customized Trading, Online Trading, Margin Trading, Clearing,
to provide organizations with the backing Fundamental and Technical Analysis as well as
needed to undertake large development Market Survey. Our Capital Market experts keep
projects. We offer cash management, a tab on the latest developments in the markets.
FX Payment, Escrow and Trade solutions, and FX management solutions. Fund Formation
We also assist our clients in cross-border liquidity challenges, while also providing One of ADDCO’s key areas of expertise lies in settingup Investment Funds in association
bespoke products to meet our clients’ cash-flow requirements.All of this is with High Net Worth Investors, Govt. Bodies and leading financial institutions such as the
done under the supervision of our specialists; who understand the different ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK (IDB), etc. These Funds help under-developed
nuances of an ever-changing market. communities grow socially and economically through multiple commercially viable
investment & development initiatives. THE ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT FUND (EEF)
Global Trade and the GLOBAL EDUCATION FUND (GEF) initiated by ADDCO are such examples. The
For our global trade solutions, we provide a set of integrated supply chain EEF aims at improving economies of countries ravaged by war and natural catastrophes
Our global trade experts prepare all the necessary paperwork; such as credit The GEF aims at making high quality international education accessible to deprived
finance, export finance, and traditional trade. The vision is to support small
presentations, custom clearance, handling of the shipments from point of communities far and wide across the far reaches of the globe.
to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) involved in international trade of commod
origin to point of delivery. Furthermore, we also offer a full range of book-keeping Corporate Support
ties and tangible goods.
and accountancy services to compliment our clients’ trading requirements.
Our global trade experts prepare all the necessary paperwork; such as credit At heart, ADDCO is a client-centric group, and we strive to serve the best interests of
presentations, custom clearance, handling of the shipments from point of both i.e., clients and the community. In line with this ideology, our corporate support
origin to point of delivery. Furthermore, we also offer a full range of book-keeping division focuses on building sustainable wealth for all stakeholders involved.
and accountancy services to complement our clients’ trading requirements. We work closely for NGOs and Public Benefit Organizations to better understand the
issues at hand, and invest towards the betterment of communities.