Page 12 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 12

that Christ is risen and that he can be encountered. They will
        not be converted and believe unless they can touch His wounds
        and see the radiance of his face.

        Healing power of Touch
        it is interesting to see how Christ dealt with Thomas. The first
        thing he did was to show him his own wounds. Christ felt no

        need to hide the wounds for they were the proof of His love for
        His disciples. They were the mortal wounds the Good Shep-
        herd suffered in defending His Flock from the world. Then he
        invited Thomas to touch those wounds. Thus it was by touching
        and being touched that he was healed of his unbelief as well as
        of his other wounds. It is by showing our wounds, by touching
        and being touched that we are healed. However, only children
        and the mentally handicapped are good at letting themselves
        be touched. Many of us adults, have the same need but we

        no longer have the innocence and spontaneously to allow it
        to happen to us. Many people are starving for the affection,
        tenderness, care, love acceptance, forgiveness and gentleness.
        But touching by itself is not enough. It is the ‘Quality’ of my
        touch that matters. The quality of my touch is a good measure
        of the kind of person I am. Helen Keller, being blind, had to
        rely heavily on the sense of touch. She said “I have met some
        people, so empty of joy that when I shook hand with them, it
        seemed as it I was shaking hands with an iceberg. But there are
        others who have sunbeam in them so that their grasp warms
        my hearts”.
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