Page 14 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 14
Thomas to Abbanes. Abbanes asked; “Isthis your Master?”
Thomas said; “Indeed, He is.” Abbanes said: “I have brought
you from him” and Thomas said nothing. But in the morning
he rose early and prayed and after his prayer, he said to Jesus,
“I will go wherever you want, Lord Jesus, thy will be done.” It
is the same old Thomas, slow to be sure, slow to surrender but
once his surrender is made, it is complete.
The story goes on to tell how Gundaphorus commanded
Thomas to build a palace and
Thomas said that he is able to
do. The king gavehim money in
plenty to buy materials and to
hire workmen but Thomas gave
it all away to the poor. Always he
told the king that the palace was
raising steadily. The king was
suspicious. In theend, he sent
for Thomas: “Did you build the
palace for me? Show me where
it is. He demanded. Thomas an-
swered: “Yes.”. “When shall we go and see it?”Asked the king.
Thomas answered; “My Lord, you cannot see it now, but when
you depart from this earthly life, you shall see it”. At last the
king was very angry and Thomas was in danger of his life;
but in the end , the king too was won for Christ; so Thomas
brought Christianity to India.
There is something very lovable and very admirable about St.
Thomas. Faith was never an easy thing for him, obedience
never came readily to him. He was the man who had to be sure;
he was the man who had to count the cost, he was the man who
went to the ultimate limit of Faith and obedience. A faith like