Page 25 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 25
Aluva Tidings
Bro: Albin Karively CST
In Between Holidays
Even in the midst of Pandemic situations Brothers from all
Provinces have done the vacation duty successfully since March
14th to 31st May. The entire vacation duty was divided into five
session of fifteen days in which Holy Week was also celebrated
with liturgical services. Fr. Rector and other staff members led
the Holy Week ceremonies. Several laities also participated.
Thank you, dear Fathers and Brothers.
Be with God !!
We the philosophers had our annual retreat from 5th to 11th
may 2021. The retreat was conducted by Rev. Fr. Boby Jose Kat-
tikad Ofm Cap. It was a time for us to reflect over on our re-
ligious and seminary life. The five days’ retreat gave us more
power and strength to our spiritual life. On 11 May we renewed
our vows before Rev. Fr. Saji Nellikunnel, the delegate of Very
Rev. Fr. Superior General officiated the renewal of vows. We
thank the Almighty for all the blessings.
Congratulation to Our Dear Brothers
The convocation for the outgoing 3rd years was conducted on
13thMay 2021. The senior Brothers numbering 34 among us
successfully completed their 3 years of philosophical studies.
Fr. General congratulated them through an online meeting for
their constant effort and hard work. He wished them that the
wisdom they gained through the philosophical study would