Page 27 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 27
Baiju Kattikaran, Fr. George Kuzhikkattu and Fr. Abraham
Kottanalloor took charge as the new staff members. Fr. Kot-
tanaloor and Fr. Kuzhikattu would serve as Spiritual Directors.
Fr. Roji Narithookkil from Rome joined the seminary staff to
take classes in the first semester.
Schola Brevis
We the LFS community solemnly inaugurated the new aca-
demic year of 2021-2022 on June 5, 2021. Fr. General inaugu-
rated the Schola Brevis. Being the chief spokesman, Fr. Roji
Narithookkil presented his dissertation on “Charity takes resi-
dence over... ‘Reengaging religion in post-modernity.” Fr. Rec-
tor thanked the community for making the day as an inspira-
tion for all the brothers. Fr. Tomy Alumkalkarot was the main
celebrant of the liturgical celebration. Congrats to Fr. Tigi, the
new Dean of studies, for being the meticulous organizer.
Beniamino 2k21
The fresher’s day was observed in the seminary on 10th June. It
was really fantastic and thrilling. The day was marked with va-
riety of programs. On Thursday morning we had Holy Mass by
our newly appointed staff. The event was arranged and sched-
uled by the second-year philosophers. We started the programe
with a prayer session in the evening and concluded with a cul-
tural event.