Page 4 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 4

Editorial Message

        Greetings dear Fathers and Brothers…
        Wishing you all the greetings of the feast of St.

        Thomas, the apostle of India, the faith model of our

        life. In the Gospel of John 11:16, we see the readi-
        ness of Thomas to follow Christ unto death and

        he exhorts his companions to do the same. Again
        we see (20: 27) Thomas proclaiming his faith in

        Jesus.  The authors of the Gospels have used re-

        daction method to enhance the meaning and life
        of Christ, in which they placed the Christ event

        in special places to give more stress to its mean-

        ing. And probably the first incident where Thom-
        as wanted to sacrifice his life, can be placed as a

        post - resurrection incident. When all the disci-

        ples locked themselves, terrified; only Thomas had
        the courage to go out. Because it was he who said,

        “Let’s go, that we may die with him.” It was the per-
        fect time, because at Bethania, Jesus was alive and

        now he has chosen death. Literally speaking, it was

        the perfect time to follow Christ in death; and like
        other past occasions, the other disciples were mo-

        tionless. He knew that the time to fulfil his words
        was at the doorstep. And this spirituality is so dar-

        ing and heroic.
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