Page 52 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 52
News from the Land of Sangam
Bro. Albin Varakukalayil
Republic Day
Together with the whole nation we, the members of Josem
family celebrated the 72nd Republic Day of our country on 26
January 2021. Fr Rector hoisted the national flag on this day
and it was a day for us to cherish the great personalities of our
country who moulded our country into a republic country
and to remember the milestones our country has achieved all
throughout these years.
Jubilarians’ Day
On 12 February we the Josem Family celebrated the Sacerdotal
silver jubilee of its former students who are the excellent mis-
sionaries in their respective fields of activity. It was an opportu-
nity for each one of us to know about the different areas of our
mission work and the great experiences of the priests who have
completed their golden and silver jubilee of their priesthood
and service to God and Church.
New Priest’s Day
On 19 March 2021 the Josem Family celebrated the New Priest’s
Day of the newly ordained priests who were passed out from
the seminary in the academic year 2019-2020. The Josem fam-
ily was extremely happy to receive its newly ordained sons to
their Alma Mater.