Page 47 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 47

areas they are waiting for the lockdown to be over and rejoin
        Navodaya for the regular classes.

        Visit of Provincial and Councilors
        The newly elected provincial team made their first visit to Ne-
        pal. Very Rev. Fr. Sabu Kandamkettiyil, the Provincial, Frs.

        Benny Paul Tekkumkattil and Fr. Jubish Azhiyath reached Na-
        rayangrah. Important meetings were held with all the fathers
        working in Nepal Region. The visit lasted for two days and Fr.
        Roby Kizhakumkara CST was elected as the new Mission Supe-
        rior of Nepal Region. We are extremely grateful to Fr. Michael
        Chirayath CST for being the mission superior for the last 20
        years. These were the 20 crucial years wherein the Nepal Mis-
        sion rooted itself and started various apostolates and reached

        the glorious heights we see today.

        New Appointments
        To take the Nepal Mission to better heights and explore new
        mission possibilities this year we have two new priests joining
        us. Nepal mission welcomed Fr. Manjush Srakath CST as the
        Vice- Principal of Little Flower School Narayangarh. Fr. Bijo
        Mankoottathil appointed in Little Flower School, Parwanipur
        will take charge soon and it makes the number of CST priests
        working in Nepal to 7.

        “Lockdown” Relief Work

        The second wave of Covid-19 affected Nepal very badly that
        took thousands of lives. The imposed lockdown also brought in
        a lot of turmoil in the lives of the ordinary people. The indige-
        nous communities were the most affected due to this lockdown
        as most of them had to depend on manual labor and menial
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