Page 42 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 42
4. Change in the Learning Environment : As a gift for the
good performance of the school, with the support of the par-
ents and the well wishers within the parish, we have started the
construction of three permanent class rooms thus to change
the learning environment of our pupils to a stone built-wall
class rooms. Slowly, within a few years we will be able to shift
the whole school into stone built class rooms.
5. Covid-19 in Kaongo : We also welcomed Corona virus
at our Priests' house too. Fr. Vipin experienced a mild at-
tack of Corona Virus but recovered very fast and is in his first
holidays as an African Missionary.
6. The Year of St. Joseph We, as parish celebrates the year
of St. Joseph with all its devotion and solemnity. There were
seminars on March 19th and on May 1st for the CMA ( Catho-
lic Men Association ) members of our Parish. Following the
instructions to the Pastors and Religious on Indulgence, in the
year of St. Joseph, we visit the Sick and Bed-ridden and admin-
istered them sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion.
7. Bible Distribution : Your word is a lamp to my feet and
light to my path. Ninety nine percentages of the families in this
parish did not have Bible at home. And only Protestant version
was available in this native language. It was the last year, catho-
lic version of the Bible in the native language was printed. It was
costly and was not affordable for most of the families. But be-
cause of the kind heart and support of Fr. Biju Edamuriyil and
his Parish members 300 families in our parish have Holy Bible
at their home. We thank you dear Fr: Biju pray God’s blessings
upon all the well wishers.