Page 38 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 38
African Tidings
Greetings and prayers from the Little Flower Mission Africa!
+News from Tanzania : Songea, Subira Parish, Dodoma, Nzinje
parish, Irringa, Mtaandika parish and Dar es salaam, Mbagala
kuu parish
We are extremely happy to jot down a few lines about the
happenings and developments occurred in the past couple of
months. We realise and acknowledge the Providential Care of
Our Lord we experience in the mission life here. As we look
into the Mission, we see how wonderfully God protects us in
His hands. We thank Almighty God for saving our 2 Fathers
(Fr. Philip and Fr. Babychan) from the accident. They met with
an accident on the way for Sunday Mass. We gratefully remem-
ber all the fathers who extended their prayers and good wishes
for the speedy recovery of our beloved Fathers. Fr. Philip will
join the Mission very soon.
Mission superior paid a visit to Mtaandika Parish
after his arrival from India to see what is to do there after the
accident. Frs. Babychen and Joby are staying there and doing
the parish apostolate at present. They are fully and wholeheart-
edly working for this parish.
Mission superior went to Dodoma
and he evaluated the second phase of construction work of the
school at Nzinje, Dodoma and sanctioned the second and third
instalment for the construction. During visitation we got the
news of the bad health condition of Fr. Babychan so he went to
his parish and took him by flight to Dar es Salam for the fur-
ther treatment and rest. After 3 weeks of rest and treatment he
went back to his parish.