Page 36 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 36

Fr. Benny took charge of shepherding our batch. He did his
        best possible to make us what we are today. His advices never
        carried the stories of the best. He never inspired us taking the
        name of brothers who performed excellent but he always spoke
        of them who fought well, who worked hard and explained to us
        the vast reach of hard work which was in fact nothing but the

                                                   secret of his own life. He
                                                   never wrote anyone off;
                                                   he cared most the last
                                                   and the least. The weak-
                                                   er we were the luckier,
                                                   were we to receive his
                                                   guidance. The love and
                                                   support he extended to

                                                   us  are  not  replaceable.
                                                   After the Plus One stud-
                                                   ies our batch of 12 broth-
                                                   ers left home for vaca-
                                                   tion. As we returned in
                                                   the  same  number,  nei-
                                                   ther less nor more than
                                                   12, our surprised Hindi
                                                   sir surprisingly said “it
                                                   is the first time since I
        started teaching here that a batch returns in same number”. It
        just happened, and it tells all what Father was.

        He could never hurt anyone, neither brothers nor his co-work-
        ers. He could not imagine even in his wildest dreams of losing
        the vocation of one of his formees. Yes! He was all love. When
        having done Plus Two studies under another formation team,
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