Page 35 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 35
He was all Love…
Bro. Albin Karuvely CST
Everyone has a story to tell; everyone is a writer. Some have
written books while some are confined to hearts. Indeed, Fa-
ther Benny was a story, a beautiful story, actually lived. That
story needs to be put down on papers, because it can no longer
remain confined to hearts that has been pleasantly touched by
it. He was both a story and a writer. His story was the story of
an old carpenter’s Son at Nazareth. As a writer he penned it in
the hearts of all around him.
Time travelled past one month since that writer left us.
But the memories of him, still welling up in mind at the slight-
est thought of him seems to tell us that memories possess some
contents of eternity; they are forever. They seem to be the in-
tangible body of the departed; the living can constitute them
in mental contents. Yes, the dead live in the memories they left
behind. And, for me, it feels really hard to believe that our be-
loved Bennyachan has shrunk into few memories, the leftovers
from a beautiful year of formation under him at Jyothi Gurukul
and other occasions.
Indeed enough ink has flown over the cases of
what Fr: Benny was, what he did and how he lived, because the
light is not to be kept under the bushel basket but on the lamp
stand in order that everyone sees the light. He was a light on
lamp stand that directed our sight to The Light of the World.
Though his untimely demise leaves us in a deep breath of sor-
row, when I pen this I am happy to depict how he guided us to
the Eternal Light as our Rector.
It was during the academic year of 2015-16 at Waltergunj that