Page 60 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 60
“Young African
missionaries speak;”
“Go and do likewise “ Life always has two choices i.e., to do new
things and to continue what we are occupied with. It is here it
became my feeling and conviction to go to Africa. This convic-
tion made me become an African missionary and go there.
Many of us want to walk through good path, because such paths
are normally clear and safe that there will not be any stumbling
blocks during their journey. But those who try to pave new
path and walk in it are very few, because it is not an easy task.
So, I believe that, by the grace of God, I have opted for the sec-
ond choice, which is very important today for our mission and
Catholic Church. Our congregation is a missionary congrega-
tion. Our patroness wanted to go to five continents and preach
the word of God. As the members of her congregation, we do
follow the same spirit and charism of her. So, I am extremely
happy and privileged to venture into the new mission and work
among the poorest.
Bro: Jibin Thomas Korattiparambil CST
“The first ministers were the twelve disciples. There is no evi-
dence that Jesus chose them because they are brighter or nicer
than other people. Their sole qualification seems to have been
their initial willingness to rise to their feet when Jesus said,
“Follow me.” Frederick Buechner
Jesus told to go and proclaim the good news of his kingdom.
We have to proclaim the kingdom of God wherever we are and
also the place where the people really do not know the mean-
ing of love and care of God. Such a place is East Africa. As we