Page 65 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 65

From the Provincial House

        Into Your Hands O! Lord
        Month of May is a special season of blessings for every mem-
        bers of CST. During this season of grace, offering themselves to
        God at the service of Him and His People, five of our Brothers
        made their Perpetual Profession in the presence of Very Rev.
        Fr Superior General on 12 May 2021 at Little Flower Genera-
        late, Thrikkakara. At the same occasion, nine of our Brothers

        received their Religious habit and seventeen brothers renewed
        their vows. On 27 May 2021 Seven Brothers received the mi-
        nor orders of Karoyusa and Heupadiakonusa, which were con-
        ferred by Mar Sebastian Vaniapurackal, the Curia Bishop of
        Syro Malabar Church. Congratulations dear Brothers and wish
        you all the best as you are nearing to the Altar of God.

        Here I come, O Lord
        After a year of intensive prayer and having formed convic-
        tions regarding the Religious life and the Mission and Vision
        of our Congregation, four of our Brothers who completed their

        Canonical Novitiate made their First Religious Profession at
        Khrist Jyoti Mission Bhavan, Mudickal on 17 May 2021 in the
        presence of Very Rev Fr George Aranchery, the Vicar General
        of our Congregation. We congratulate them for their readiness
        to offer themselves to God and wish them our prayerful sup-

        Fighting the Second Wave of Covid-19
        The second wave of Covid 19 devastated our nation severely

        by the end of April 2021. The situation of Uttar Pradesh was
        so pathetic and disturbing as many people were affected and
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