Page 17 - PushpaTarang_July
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and before starting the doctorate studies, Fr. Manu Kaitha-
parambil joined us to do pastoral Ministry in Germany. He is
Rev.Fr. Shibin Mattathil CST currently helping in the Konzenberg Parish-Community in the
Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. He has got his driving license
and other necessary documents for the fruitful Ministry in
Germany and now fully enjoying the pastoral ministry with his
musical vibrations.
Fr. Robin in the New City Parish
Fr. Robin Plathottam has been appointed the new Asst. Vicar
in St. George City Parish in Augsburg. He will start his pastoral
activities in the new parish on 1 August 2021. He has passed
the driving test and received the Driving license. We congratu-
late and wish him a fruitful ministry in the new parish.
Doctors in Bible and Philosophy
Hearty congratulations to Fr.Baiju Kattikaran and Fr. Libin
Kozhikottu for their well appreciated doctoral Defences. We
wish them all the success as Professors in Bible and Philosophy.
Requiéscant in páce
A Requiem Mass for Fr. Benny Konooran, Fr. Ebin Kuzhimullil
and for Mrs. Rosa Namplampara, mother of Fr. Xavier Nam-
blampara was celebrated by the Fathers working in Germany
on 31 May 2021 in Utting am Ammersee, in the Parish of Fr.
Xavier. May the Lord grant them eternal reward.
Corona situation in Germany
It is a happy news for all that the infected cases of corona-Pan-
demic in Germany and other countries in Europe are reducing.
Majority of our Fathers are vaccinated. We hope, that we can