Page 20 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 20

New Priest Day
        New blessing must be celebrated always. On 22 February we
        celebrated the New Priest Day in our Basil Bhavan. Since it fell
        on a Sunday Fr Aneesh and Fr Bijo celebrated the Holy Mass
        with the parishioners and we all shared the joy and celebrated

        the day very meaningfully and spiritually. We had a good time
        of lunch and we shared our love and the spirit of community
        life in its fullness.

        Celebrations held in common in Disa, Basil Bhavan and in Ni-
        paniya School are Republic day and women’s day. On Republic

        day we hosted the flag in our house with few staffs of Disa and
        in Nipaniya school with the teaching and non-teaching staff.
        And the women’s day on 8th March we celebrated it in differ-
        ent Disa centres according to the arrangements of the staffs of

        New Arrival
        It was a noted blessing that we, the Basil Bhavan had a new
        director of Disa, that is Fr Francis Kilivallikkal our former Su-
        perior General joined our community on 8th April. We all wel-

        comed him warmly and arranged a good stay.

        Holy Week
        The Holy Week is always special for the Christians and so we
        the Basil bhavan community and all the parishioners spiritu-
        ally celebrated the Holy Week in all its fullness. We participated

        in the Way of Cross, Holy Masses respectively, on 4th April we
        celebrated the  Easter  very  prayerfully.  The parishioners  also
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