Page 67 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 67
at Little Flower Ashram, Jungle Sikiri on Wednesday, 30th of
June 2021. Rev. Fr. Provincial was the main celebrant of the
Holy Mass and Rev. Fr. Abraham Kolamkuzhy, the chancellor
of the Diocese of Gorakhpur officiated other prayers. A mem-
oir named, “Smiles Ahead” was also released on the same oc-
casion reflecting the rich and sweet memories of the members
and friends with Fr Benny Konooran.
Covid Help Desk
Little Flower Province in partnership with Rex Foundation and
Mitram Family, initiated a COVID HELP DESK in order to ex-
tend our helping hand to those people who are being seriously
affected by the onslaught of COVID 19. The people who were
seriously affected by Covid were admitted in BRD Medical
College, Gorakhpur. They were isolated and given treatment
within Covid wards, whereas their family members didn’t have
any access at all. The by-standers were stranded within the
hospital premises and they ran out of food and basic facilities.
This called for an immediate social concern and action. Fol-
lowing the instructions given by the District administration,
we stepped in with the aim of helping the needy. Some of the
services, we could render were;
• Organizing a Community Kitchen and distributing free
• Adopting five villages in order to set them free from the
troubles caused by COVID.
The community Kitchen and food distribution was inaugurated
by Rev Fr Sabu Kandamkettiyil, our Provincial Superior, on 26
May 2021 at BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur. We could sup-
ply sufficient food packets and water bottles to several thou-
sand needy people for more than a month.