Page 68 - PushpaTarang_July
P. 68

The fundamental aim of adopting five villages was to set them
        free from the troubles caused by COVID-19. We took initia-
        tives to mobilize the villagers for vaccination drives through
        various awareness campaigns. Our aim is to set the villagers
        ready to face any forthcoming onslaught.
                              We are still working for the benefit of the

        people and we work in collaboration with few NGOs. Little
        Flower Province feels proud at the special initiatives taken by
        Fr Shijo Kochupurackal in organizing and executing Covid 19
        help desk activities.

        Visit of Provincial and Councilors
        The newly elected Provincial Team made their maiden visit to
        Nepal. Very Rev. Fr. Sabu Kandamkettiyil, the Provincial and

        the councilors Frs. Benny Paul Thekkumkattil and Jubish Azhi-
        yath reached Narayangrah on 17 March and the visit lasted for
        two days. Important meetings were held with all the CST Fa-
        thers working in Nepal Region. Fr. Roby Kizhakumkara CST
        was appointed as the new Mission Superior of Nepal Region.
        We are extremely grateful to Fr. Michael Chirayath CST for be-
        ing the Mission Superior for the last 20 years. These were the
        20 crucial years wherein the Nepal Mission deepened its roots
        and started branching out with various apostolate and received
        the glorious form as we see it today.

         Adieu……Hearty welcome…..

        We bid farewell to Rev. Fr. Lona Kallely, the outgoing Provin-
        cial Superior and Fr. Joby Mamalassery, the outgoing Provin-
        cial Econome from the Provincial House on18 March 2021. Fr.
        Lona took charge of his new assignment as the Superior and
        Manager of Little Flower Mission, Salempur on 21 April 2021.
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