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Welcome to the Dis�nguished Young Women of Cabarrus
County Scholarship program. On behalf of our commi�ee,
we would like to present to you our class of 2022. I cannot
express the gra�tude that I have for our commi�ee and
their commitment to the success of our program this year.
What can I say about our par�cipants in the class of
2022? They are 100% rock stars in our eyes. They are ac-
complished young ladies who set goals for themselves
and aren’t afraid to put themselves out there to achieve those goals. We are
already proud of them and can’t wait to see what the future holds for both
of them. Look out world, here comes the Class of 2022!
I hope you enjoy our show, cheer on our fantas�c par�cipants, and maybe
dance along with us as the class of 2022 presents to you, “Happy”.
Tracy Minchin
Country Law Shack
Tarheel Air & Lube Inc.
Rhodes, Kelly & Associates
Tracy Minchin
Julie Ueleke Bronze
Cambria Adams Clint Miller Extermina�ng
Stephanie Morrison In-Kind
Jersey Mikes
Christy Clark Minchin Design, LLC
Candid Dreamer
Misty Nordan He’s Alive Church Church
Seth Ueleke Blue Heel Custom Socks, Inc.
Pat Minchin