Page 5 - DYW Program
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Dis�nguished Young Women is a unique program that combines the chance to win
college scholarships with a program that offers Life Skills training to prepare young
women for the world a�er high school. Each year we make over $1 billion dollars in
scholarships available and it costs nothing to enter!
The program takes place in all 50 states and Washington DC with some states having
local programs as well. Young women par�cipate in either their junior or senior year
of high school, so check the web page of your state or local program to make sure
you don’t miss out. Apply now to find out!
Each Dis�nguished Young Women program evaluates par�cipants in the following
Scholas�cs (25%)
Interview (25%)
Talent (20%)
Fitness (15%)
Self-Expression (15%)
In addi�on, through our Life Skills program, which includes workshops and online
resources, par�cipants can learn skills like interviewing, public speaking,
self-confidence building and much more. These skills not only prepare everyone
for our program but also for the world a�er high school and college.
And remember, it is always free to enter!