Page 6 - Luce 2016
P. 6

N ews a nd  Events

         Leadership through

         moral conviction:

         General David Morrison AO
         speaks out

         In thinking about the requirements
         of ethical leadership, I have spoken
         of General David Morrison’s 2013
         ‘Then Get Out’ address as a signal example of transformative
         leadership, reflecting everything that was best in the Defence
         Force’s push to change its culture around the treatment of
         women.* So it was a great pleasure to welcome General
         Morrison into the College to speak on lessons in leadership,
         and an honour that he accepted, despite the unrelenting
         demands upon his time as 2016 Australian of
         the Year.

         David brought passion and straight talk to his address,
         engaging with students and guests with humility and candour
         and reflecting thoughtfully on power, gender, and Australian
         culture. While it would be not quite fair to say that his
         audience was in awe of his comments (delivered without
         notes and away from the rostrum) there was a palpable sense   The Hon. Peter Costello addresses his audience
         that we in the room needed to reflect on the basic challenge
         he set for us – take up the cause of equality, and prosecute it
         with passion.
                                                            In Conversation
         Dr Damian Powell                                   with Peter Costello
         *  ‘The Australian Defence Force Academy Skype sex scandal:   Can Australia meet its current challenges?
           lessons on leadership and ethics’; see the College website at
     The Hon. Peter Costello AC raised this question at Sunday
                                                            Afternoon in Conversation with friends and alumni of the
                                                            College on 23 October.

                                                            Challenges he identified included: the weakening of
                                                            internationalism and international institutions (such as the
                                                            IMF); flaws in how the European Union was set up with a
                                                            lack of control over its budget; the anarchy of the internet
                                                            with lack of editorial/legal restraint in reporting of the news;
                                                            populist movements shifting to the left and the right; stagnancy
                                                            in income whilst property prices go through the roof; and
                                                            Australia’s recent history of short-term governments and failed
                                                            Prime Ministers.

                                                            A lively speaker, Peter located the discussion within history,
                                                            identifying Sir William Clarke and Janet Lady Clarke with
                                                            Australia’s boom period of the 1880s, and lauding them as
                                                            significant contributors to society.

         General Morrison addresses the College             Students Arman Bhagat, Aly Teuben and Maddie Spencer
                                                            engage with Mr Costello
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