Page 14 - Luce 2020
P. 14

C ollege  Events

         Key findings from our 2020 Survey

          In 2020 the College undertook its first comprehensive Survey, seeking to understand how JCH might better
          relate to our wider community coming out of COVID restrictions. The findings suggest a strong level of
          goodwill towards the College, with interest in increased engagement.

          Just over 21% of alumni for whom we have current contact   College Communications
          details completed and returned the Survey, which compares   This needs some work, and some finessing, striking a balance
          well with typical survey return rates. Of respondents, almost   between being in touch without saturating alumni with
          68% were drawn from alumni from the 1950s to 1980s.    information.

          From the responses, we gathered the following:     While Luce is well received, many alumni would prefer
                                                             electronic distribution only, with only 40% preferring hard
          Feelings towards the College                       copy. From 2022, alumni will have the option of moving to
          Happily, the overall sense was that the majority of   receipt of an electronic edition if they prefer this to hard copy.
          respondents felt positive and had information about the
          College as it is today.                            Suggestions for articles included a summary of interesting
                                                             lectures by College visitors, students’ research topics, alumni
                                                             careers and College initiatives. Hopefully, readers will find
            Feelings towards the College
                                                             that this edition of Luce touches on some of these areas of
             83%  positive towards the College

                                                               College Communications
             1.2% negative towards the College

                                                                     had never accessed
                  felt kept somewhat informed                   50%
             72%                                                     the College website
                  about the College
           0%                   50%                 100%        2.3% check the College website on a regular basis

          What characterises our College?                       72%  felt kept somewhat informed
          The Survey responses suggest a clear alignment between the   about the College
          characteristics seen as important by the Principal, Council,   85%
          students and staff. Consistently, JCH was differentiated from   are interested in community news
          the other colleges as being smaller and more supportive, both   0%       50%                 100%
          personally and academically. This was seen, almost without
          exception, as being our greatest strength.         The first preference for receiving this information from
                                                             the College was via emails. The second preference for
          There is great comfort, in light of any external uncertainties,   information, but significantly less popular, was Luce (13% in
          that our commitment to staying small and focusing on our   print and 6% electronic).
          students at the individual level is a key marker, in the minds
          of our wider community, of our current and future success.
          Among other data:                                    Preferred areas of interest in Luce

                                                                90%  Alumni news
           What characterises our College?
                                                                73%  Student achievements
                 85%  would recommend JCH as the college of choice
                                                                65%  Staff achievements
             50%  JCH has made a difference
                 to the way they approach life
                                                              0%                   50%                 100%
             80%  are proud to be JCH alumni

             62%  have close JCH friends
           0%                   50%                 100%

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