Page 32 - Luce 2021
P. 32

Tha nk you, Dr Powell

          Upon the announcement in August 2021 of Dr Damian Powell’s planned
          departure as Principal, there was an avalanche of correspondence from
          Fellows, friends, parents, alumni and staff expressing heartfelt gratitude
          for his two decades of outstanding service to the College. Here is just a
          taste of the sentiments expressed…
                                            Twenty years seem to have gone so
                                            quickly. Damian, your contribution
          The important attributes of       to JCH has been enormous and I know
                                            that Dieni has played a great part
          today’s JCH – being small,         in supporting you. Without your
          focusing on academic excellence,   leadership I doubt that JCH would be
          pastoral care, student             the small, standalone College that we
           engagement, leadership and
           personal development – are very   all love and treasure today.
           strongly associated, I believe,                                            With Dieni and daughters Corin (top)
           with your own preferences for
           the College and your style of                                              and Nieve c.2011
            leadership. I want to say how
            very much I have valued the
            opportunity to work with you; it
            has been a privilege and I thank

             you for it.                            Fellows and Council members at dinner 2013

           The news that you will be leaving
           JCH is very disappointing, both
           for the College and for me. I have
          appreciated our occasional contact
          and particularly liked the report
          you wrote on your visit to overseas
          colleges and the decision to keep
          JCH a small college so that students
         could have more personal care.
         I can, however, understand and
         respect the move to Shepparton in
         support of your wife and believe
         that city will be greatly enhanced
        by your presence. Heartfelt thanks
                                            With Sir Rupert Clarke & Ms Margie Richardson c.2016
        for your years of outstanding,
                                                                                           With Vice-Chancellor Prof Glyn
        generous service at JCH and every
        best wish to you and Dieni for your
        next chapter.                                                                      Davis, Leadership Dinner 2018
                                             Damian, I’d like to tell you how
                                             much, in my probably rather
                                              contacts with you at JCH over
          I wish to say how much I            distant way, I’ve enjoyed my
          appreciate all you have done        the years. Every time I’ve come
          for JCH and for the wider JCH       to College I’ve been struck by its
           community. Its present state is a   civilised atmosphere – a sense
           tribute to you and to the team you   of a happy, working community
           lead so well, and it also testifies to   – and I’m aware that this must
           your capacity to lead and inspire   come from your engagement with,
           the students. The atmosphere         and leadership of, the place…  I
           wraps itself around you when you     feel sure that your light spirit
           walk in the door. So I hope you can   and warmth will remain in the
           truly hear the message ‘well done,   atmosphere of JCH for many a       With Governor General,
            to a good and faithful servant’.     long year.                       Dame Quentin Bryce 2009

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