Page 36 - Luce 2021
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A l umni News
Dr Henry Zhao I was lucky enough to secure a year- the minimally invasive clot retrieval or
(2004) long fellowship position at the Royal neurosurgical intervention). In this way,
It is quite difficult Melbourne Hospital Comprehensive patients can generally receive treatment
to believe that I Stroke Centre (widely regarded as the within 30 minutes of our arrival. The
first attended JCH premier Australian stroke academic time saving is astounding compared to
half a lifetime hospital) to assist with providing a clot being queued up in a crowded hospital
ago. My first and retrieval service to the whole state. emergency department to receive a scan
only floor tutor before treatment can be initiated.
during my three One of the very first questions I was
years was Alice asked by the Head of Neurology at We have now been in operation for over
Pung and she was forced to take me and Royal Melbourne was whether I was four years and I lead a team of almost 20
other underage youngsters to the movies interested in helping set up a new stroke doctors who rotate on the ambulance. I
instead of the pub during O Week. ambulance which would have a CT have completed my PhD in pre-hospital
head scanner. I had heard they had a stroke care, partly on setting up and
JCH was essentially my life during the few of these in Germany and thought operating the Melbourne Mobile Stroke
first years of medical school. I have a this would be great idea. I was sent on Unit, but also on designing paramedic
thousand memories, of which some of a round-the-world tour (in cattle class) algorithms (now in widespread use
the most vivid are of our floor parties to view existing stroke ambulances in across Ambulance Victoria) which
with ‘Comrade Pung’, looking too young Germany and USA. We subsequently allows them to identify and triage
to play an old man during our production spent close to two years working with patients likely to benefit from minimally
of The Crucible, and of lazy Sunday Ambulance Victoria to finally build and invasive clot retrieval.
mornings enjoying the music of our operate our own Melbourne Mobile
talented student artists and musicians. Stroke Unit, the first of its kind in I currently work part-time clinical and
Oceania. part-time post-doctoral researcher (and
As part of my medical degree, I needed part-time dad) with the aim of putting
to undertake a year of research in a The vehicle is the largest ambulance in more stroke ambulances on the road.
field of interest. On an whim, I chose the fleet and has a long box body with Our team has formed the Australian
to explore the neurosciences and a portable CT scanner able to scan a Stroke Alliance and we hope to deliver
was seconded to the National Stroke patient’s head whilst on a stretcher. even more exciting innovations such as
Research Institute where I worked with We have a large team on board, with stroke helicopters, stroke helmets and
an acute stroke trial. It was through this a stroke neurologist, stroke nurse, CT light-weight CT scanners.
process that I realised that Melbourne radiographer and two paramedics. We
was one of the world leaders in this operate across many parts of Melbourne It was serendipitous that JCH had a late
field and that there were many exciting (and even occasionally drive rural) to spot for me as a medical student and
innovations to come. reach stroke patients in need of time- the same serendipity landed me into
critical treatment, such as clot-dissolving my current career. I still catch up with
It was some years, however, before I drugs. many old JCH friends and, although we
returned to neurology as I needed to are doing different things now, there is
complete medical school, internship and In normal circumstances, we park in the something to be said about sharing the
general physician training. I was accepted patient’s driveway, assess the patient in same bathroom that indelibly binds you.
into specialty neurology training initially their house and bring them out to the
at Box Hill Hospital, followed by a year ambulance for a head scan. Depending I wish current and future generations of
in Tasmania. I needed one more year on the results we can immediately start JCHers as much fun as I enjoyed and
of fellowship before completing my treatment and transport them directly hope that, like me, they will remember
training and I wanted to go back to stroke to a hospital that can provide for their their JCH years as a special and unique
neurology. needs (only some hospitals can provide time in their life.
Congratulations to the following JCH alumni who received
the following awards in 2021
Ms Mary Lou Jelbart AM Dr Allan L Curtis AM Mrs Susan B Morgan OAM
For significant service to the For significant service to environmental For service to the community through
performing and visual arts, and to management education and research. charitable initiatives.
the community.
Ms Erika E Feller AO The Late Dr Valerie C Yule OAM
For distinguished service to the For service to psychology as a clinician
international community, to the and author.
recognition and protection of human
rights, and to refugee law.
36 LUCE Number 20 2021