Page 39 - Luce 2021
P. 39

A l umni News                                                                  A l umni News

            I have been on the school council of   We taught close by at a privately owned   with it a sudden realisation that it’s
            St Peter’s College for almost a decade   school called the Shenzhen College of   been a while since I left JCH. My three
            and enjoy tremendously the challenges   International Education (SCIE), which   years in College still seem foundational
            that running a school presents. I think   had been the first school in China to   and very special, but as I get older I
            in many respects it presents more   teach an English curriculum, that being   realise that the opportunity was a real
            difficulties than a regular commercial   the International General Certificate   privilege – and that the richness came
            enterprise; there is so much at stake in   of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and   not from the study, but from the 3am
            the education of young people.    ‘A’ levels. The students, who had to   discussions with Adam Weisser (1990)
                                              be proficient in English, came from all   and NASA Neil Hanson (1990),
            It does not seem that long ago that I   over China and, at the completion of   Fi Setchel’s (1989) arvo teas and
            rounded College Crescent in Parkville to   their secondary courses, all completed   surviving some dubious homemade
            meet that beautiful red brick and stone   their tertiary studies overseas. At least   ‘Baileys’.
            façade; those days are forever with me   six were accepted into Oxford and
            and have shaped and guided the path   Cambridge each year and some came to   My log book suggests that I conned
            I chose to take. I remember all my old   Melbourne, where we met up with them   at least a few people out of $20 for a
            friends of those days, some of whom   on our return.                quick flight at Moorabbin – funding an
            have remained and others from whom                                  addiction that has become a career.
            I have drifted. I hope this article sparks   The students were very focused and   My 28 years as a fighter pilot have
            some wonderful memories for each    hard-working and some excelled in the   flashed past, but the journey has been
            of them.                          ‘A’ level English Literature course, with   anything but static, with a job change
                                              one boy saying, ‘…I have discovered   and new challenge every 2-3 years…
                               Wendy          another part of my mind’.         not to mention the 18 houses, a few
                               Sandiford                                        deployments, four kids and a couple
                               (Clark 1971)   We made some close friends among    of dogs.
                               ‘Suit recently   the local teachers in Shenzhen. They
                               retired but    were very good to us and kindly helped   In my current role, as the Commander
                               fit teacher’.   us by translating (via mobile phone)   of Air Combat Group, I’m responsible
                               So read the    when we were in some difficulty during   for the preparation of Australia’s Air
                               advertisement   our travels to 32 of China’s provinces.   Combat Force, made up of about
                               in The Times   Fortunately, we are still able to keep in   120 fighter aircraft and 1,800 of the
                               Educational    contact with them.                smartest and most motivated young
            Supplement in 2006 which catapulted                                 people in the nation. The job has
            my husband, Tim, and me into five   We managed to reach Tibet in 2010   presented some fairly challenging, and
            extraordinary years living and working   and the base camp of Mt. Everest (5200   sometimes wicked, problems over
            in China.                         meters), where we lunched at the nearby   the years, but the moral and ethical
                                              Rongphu monastery, best known as   perspectives, built during those three
            I was in residence in JCH in 1971   one of the few where both female and   magnificent years at JCH, have served
            studying Arts, majoring in English and   male monks lived. We also spent time   me well.
            German. After completing my Diploma   in Xinjiang, sleeping in a yurt on the
            of Education I taught at four – mainly   banks of the Heavenly Lake and eating   To those from that period, I admit I’ve
            country – high schools before settling in   tomatoes and cabbage for every meal!  been pretty bad at staying in touch, but
            Ballarat with Tim and raising two boys.                             the memories regularly bring a smile to
                                              Air Commodore Tim Alsop (1990)    my face. Let’s hope we can share some
            Tim and I had always been keen to   Sending my first child off to his Fresher   stories and a drink before another 30
            work overseas, with China being of   year in Brisbane 12 months ago brought   years zip by!
            particular interest as Tim had travelled
            there in 1975-6 as part of the Australia
            China Friendship Society.

            The China that greeted us in 2005 was
            vastly different from that which Tim
            had experienced in the mid-seventies –
            especially the city of Shenzhen, where
            we lived. Constructed in 1981 on the
            grounds of a fishing village of 30,000
            people, Shenzhen was created as a
            Special Economic Zone to compete
            with Hong Kong, 30 kms over the
            border. With a population of 15 million,
            everyone was housed in multi-storey
            flats with no 4th, 14th or 24th floors
            as the number four was considered

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