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            Institute, which runs two Fellowship   (Erika) Rosemarie Worboys (Wagner 1955)
            programmes named after her – the   18 April 1937 – 24 June 2022
            Anne Kantor Fellowship (General)
            and the Anne Kantor Young Women
            Environmentalists Fellowship. These                   Rosemarie     Robert, Jen’s twin, shortly after he was
            programmes are graduate-style                         (‘Rosie’)     born.
            programmes open to those who wish                     Worboys taught
            to gain experience and develop skills                 many lessons   She returned to teaching in 1973, first
            in policy, research and advocacy on                   in chemistry   at Doncaster High School, then PLC,
            environmental, climate and energy                     but her greater   while serving on the state body for
            issues. The Fellowships provide Fellows               legacy is in the   Chemistry curriculum and examinations.
            with a unique opportunity to gain on-                 quiet lessons   She took a break, did a French
            the-job training in research, advocacy,               she delivered   polishing course before undertaking her
            and media and communications ... to   – aside from her work as a scientist,   theological studies, and later returned
            effectively advocate for change and   curriculum expert and theologian – as a   to teaching at Strathcona Girls Grammar
            establish a pipeline of new voices to   deeply spiritual woman of unshakeable   School.
            contribute to Australia’s future policy and  faith, intensive work ethic and as a
            democratic debates.               compassionate, non-judgemental parent   Hers was a life marked by hard
                                              and grandmother.                  work and humility. Later, she studied
            ‘It was like Mum had passed on the                                  Theology at Whitley College, where she
            baton to others to keep working on the   Born in Leipzig in 1937, the early delight   was said to have been ‘a real gun’ at
            things she cared about,’ said Eve.  of childhood came to an abrupt end   Ancient Greek but graciously set aside
                                              with the extremely traumatic Allied   her private disappointment about the
            Other organisations she worked with   Forces bombing destruction of her home  Baptist Union’s mid-80s views on the
            include Casse Australia – Creating a   town of Dresden on 13 February 1945.  ordination of women, opting instead
            Safe Supportive Environment, focusing                               to serve as an Associate Minister of
            on indigenous issues and the Wilin   Her family, father Kurt, mother Erika and   Christian Education at North Blackburn
            Centre for Indigenous Arts and Cultural   younger sister Sabine, sought refuge with  Baptist Church.
            Development at Melbourne University.   her grandparents in Helmstedt, before
            She was also one of the key founding   a succession of chaotic and unsettling   In a record she kept for her children she
            funders of ICAN, the International   moves to Mannheim, Dusseldorf,   describes her excitement as each found
            Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons,   Frankfurt and ultimately Melbourne,   life partners and her delight in being a
            which received the Nobel Peace Prize   where, days before her 15th birthday,   grandparent of Ella, Ryan and Bryce;
            in 2017.                          in April 1952, she started Year 10 at   Maxi and Jamie; Hannah, Stevie and
                                              MacRobertson Girls High.          Jonny; Nellie and Ned; and Thomas.
            Together with her late husband, Dr
            Milan Kantor AOM, Anne was a lover   At MacRob, she was Dux of Science,   After Rosie and John retired, they joined
            of music and both were long-standing   winning a Commonwealth Scholarship   Camberwell Baptist Church where they
            supporters of Musica Viva, Short Black   and a non-resident exhibition at JCH (for   organised Adult Multicultural Education
            Opera and the Melbourne Recital   tutorials at Trinity), which allowed her to   Services (AMES Australia) training for
            Centre.                           study Chemistry and complete a DipEd   ‘Let’s Talk English’, initially for students
                                              instead of going to work in her parents’   and tourists and later for anyone with
            Anne lived with Eve and her husband   electroplating factory.       limited English, which kept them very
            Mark at Jigsaw Farms near Hamilton in                               busy between 2010 and 2014.
            south-west Victoria for the last three   It was in the chemistry labs, where the
            years of her life, and although living with   alphabetical proximity of Wagner to   When John died suddenly in August
            Alzheimer’s, she was deeply happy. As   Worboys had a fortuitous bearing on   2017, Rosie missed him deeply but
            Eve explained, ‘Mum let go of all her   locker and bench allocations, that she   worked hard on living independently
            stress, freeing her for what she said was   met John Worboys, a resident of Trinity,   until she was diagnosed with pancreatic
            the most important thing, to be with   with whom she had a slow-burning,   cancer in November 2021. In a moving
            people you love who love you. In a way,   life-long love. She writes that she was   tribute, her children wrote that Rosie
            she didn’t lose herself to dementia, she   terribly, secretly in love (‘That was a   was not afraid to die. She defined quality
            found herself’.                   secret from John as well’) but at some   of life as having peace with God and she
                                              point the two established a mutual   had that peace and was able to die at
            Anne passed away at her daughter’s   understanding and married on 26 August  home with her five children by her side.
            farm, aged 86. She is survived by four   1961. By that time, Rosie, a promising
            of her children – Julie, Eve, Kate and   research scientist who chose ‘people,   Helen Shield
            Michael – and eleven grandchildren. Her   not test tubes’, had been teaching at   (Family friend)
            family all miss her huge heart, laughter,   Hampton High School for almost two-
            courage, humility and boundless love,   and-a-half years.
            every day.
                                              Between 1962 and 1968 Rosie and John
            Eve Kantor                        had six children, Philip, Peter, Jennifer,
                                              Robert, Alison and Stephen, losing

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