Page 45 - Luce 2022
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Donations and  Scholarships

             2022 Donations and Scholarships

             The College is deeply grateful to the
             following philanthropic bodies for their
             support of scholarships in 2022:

            The Compass Group (Chartwells)       Dr Susan Foster                 Ms Victoria Ponsford
            The Cybec Foundation                 Ms Joyce Francis                Dr Damian Powell &
            The May Dunn Trust                   Ms Julie Goode                  Ms Dieni Powell
            The Peggy and Leslie Cranbourne      Mrs Angela Grutzner             Ms Clare Pullar &
            Foundation                           Dr Hugh Gundlach                Mr David Pullar
            The Vera Moore Foundation            Mrs Pamela Hall                 Ms Alice Pung OAM
            The William Angliss (Victoria) Charitable   Mrs Alexandra Hamilton      Mrs Diana Renard
            Fund                                 Dr Margaret Harper              Ms Margaret Richardson AM
            The Reid Malley Foundation           Mr Stephen Higgs OAM            Mrs Felicity Rigby
            The family of Cecily Faith Statham   Dr Julia Hurley                 Ms Shelley Roberts
            The Hugh and Selina Williams Foundation     Mr William Jobling       Prof. Doreen Rosenthal AO
            An anonymous trust                   Mr Brian Kennedy                Ms Jennifer Ross
                                                 Mrs Elizabeth Kennedy           Dr Judith Ross
            The College is deeply grateful to alumni and   Prof. Ann Kupa        Prof. Susan Sawyer AM
            friends for their donations to the College in   Mrs Harriet Lester   Dr Mary Schramm
            2022. It acknowledges donations from:  Mrs Diana Letts               Mrs Angela Speagle &
                                                 Mrs Penelope Lewisohn           Mr Donald Speagle
            Dr Sally Adams                       Mrs Janet Limb AO               The Rt Rev’d Andrew St John DD
            Ms Julie Ager                        Ms Wendy Lin                    Dr Jennifer Strauss AM
            Mrs Diana Alexander                  Dr Gail Littlejohn              Prof. Elizabeth Tudor AM
            Dr Terri Allen                       Mrs Helen Lloyd                 Mrs Rosemary Varley
            Ms Jan Andrews                       The Very Rev’d Dr Andreas Loewe &   Ms Margaret Welsford
            Ms Kay Attali                        Dr Katherine Firth              Prof. Judith Whitworth AC
            Dr Fiona Caro                        Dr Katherine Lubbe              Prof. Julie Willis
            Assoc. Prof. Catherine Cherry        Emeritus Prof. Alison Mackinnon AM   Mrs Christine Wilson
            Mrs Diana Cherry                     Prof. Donald Markwell           Anonymous donors
            Prof. Adrienne Clarke AC             Mrs Fiona Maslen
            Mrs Jean Cockayne                    Dr Heather McKenzie
            Mrs Anne Court AM                    Mrs Elizabeth Meredith          The College gratefully acknowledges
            Ms Meredith Creightmore              Ms Katerina Milosovska          bequests generously promised by:
            Dr June Danks                        Ms Bronwen Moncrieff
            Mrs Sally Davis                      Mrs Gillian Montgomery          Ms Julie Ager
            Mrs Stephanie Day                    Dr Heather Munro AO             Ms Margaret Richardson AM
            Ms Briana Ellis                      Ms Nicky Neighbour              Mrs Susan Morgan OAM
            Mrs Jenny Ellis                      Prof. Robert Nicol              Mrs Susan Sypkens
            Mrs Jaan Enden                       Mrs Elizabeth Oliver            Ms Pera Wells
            Mrs Floranne Everson                 Dr Kathie Petrovsky             Anonymous testators
            Dr Barbara Fary OAM                  Dr Patricia Phair OAM
            Prof. Ruth Fincher AM                Dr Mary Playford
            Dr Meredith Fletcher                 Mr Philip Ponder

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