Page 38 - Luce 2023
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A l umni News
Erin Mathews (2012) developed into a large body of prints, Charlotte Clarkson (2012)
Thank you to which encompass depictions of cabinets I originally
Janet Clarke full of objects, individual objects from grew up in
Hall, the other my research, and my own special rural Victoria
tutors and staff cabinet full of smaller prints. and moved
– and especially to Melbourne
to the students Having created these works, my mind to study.
– for welcoming started wandering. Could I have a Having the
me back to modern day cabinet of curiosities? What opportunity
College as a would that look like? And how could I to live on
non-resident make it accessible and intriguing? In a campus at
tutor after an entire decade. When I am world that is full of digital connections, Janet Clarke Hall considerably eased
not at JCH, I work in the professional how could I celebrate the art of making my transition into city life. I remember
gallery world, while making my own art and give people a real life, hands-on finding Janet Clarke Hall delightful on
and curating the Cabinet of Curiosities exciting experience? my first visit and I also remember the
art project. I love wandering around warmth of Donna Davies, the Deputy
galleries and museums, and I will hunt And so the Cabinet of Curiosities Principal at the time, who interviewed
down the best font for a didactic label. Vending Machine was born. me.
I completed a Masters of Art Curatorship The Cabinet of Curiosities project is a When I was offered a place in my
at the University of Melbourne in vending machine with a twist – featuring chosen course (Bachelor of Arts) and
2013, with a thesis titled ’Procurement, art and artists from across Victoria. following that, a place at Janet Clarke
Presentation and Publication: The Inspired by cabinets of curiosities of the Hall, I was in disbelief but was very
Rosetta Stone in the British Museum’. past, it brings entertainment, joy and excited about what the future might
As students from my tutorials can attest, intrigue into modern life. The project will hold for me.
don’t ask me about this unless you want soon start touring around Victoria. The
a long discussion about the importance vending machines are part installation, In my first year I was awarded a
of this impressive hunk of rock! part exhibition, part advertisement, and scholarship that was generously
part shop. The project has two machines funded by Artist-In-Residence,
My curatorial experience includes – a ‘big machine’ and a ‘little machine’ – Alice Pung OAM, who also acted
working in several regional Victorian which are filled with incredible artists. as a mentor and friend. To this day
galleries as well as in London. I I maintain a connection with both
am currently working as Exhibition The heart of this project is the ‘Big Donna and Alice. I also received
Coordinator at NETS Victoria, touring Machine’. A behemoth of teal beauty, the First in Family Scholarship in my
a number of contemporary exhibitions it is as heavy as it looks! It was found second year which was a wonderful
around Australia. second hand and lovingly restored, help.
ready to welcome its art. In contrast, the
My artistic practice is based in ‘Little Machine’ is the cute new addition I began my course with a focus on
printmaking, with a focus on history to the Cabinet of Curiosities family. politics and philosophy but ended
(definitely inspired by my early love of up gravitating towards sociology and
the classic 1999 film The Mummy) and Don’t let its compact size fool you – this criminology as my interests were
space (inspired by looking up at the stars one packs a punch of smaller artworks in social justice, gender, race, and
with my grandpa). I also coordinate a and brings joy to everyone who uses culture.
printmaking collective who meet on a it. So what’s in these machines I hear
regular basis to create works together. you ask? Art from incredible artists of I now work in Victoria Police in the
course! The works in the machine are information sharing space, primarily
This is where the inspiration for always changing, but if you want to under the Family Violence and Child
my current project – The Cabinet see a taste of what is on show, head to Information-Sharing Schemes (known
of Curiosities Vending Machine – my Instagram (@erinmathews__). The as FVISS and CISS). These schemes
originated. In my artistic practice I am ‘Little Machine’ is currently on show at were introduced in response to
working on a series of lino prints based incube8r in Melbourne Central. recommendations made by the Royal
on my research into historical cabinets Commission into Family Violence
of curiosities. These cabinets were the If you are an artist who wants to about which there is a great deal of
precursor to modern museums and get involved in this project, or are information online.
galleries, and were collections of notable responsible for a venue that would
objects that emerged in the sixteenth like to host the machine, please visit Victoria is leading the way in
century. They included objects both my website ( ) addressing the complex issue of family
real and fake; from the realms of natural and drop me an email. I am always violence with progressive law reform.
history, geology, archaeology, religious looking for new people to become part Our team also works under the
or historical relics, works of arts and of the exciting world of the Cabinet of National Redress Scheme which was
antiquities. My interest in these cabinets Curiosities. Don’t be shy! born out of the Royal Commission into
38 LUCE Number 21 2022