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A l umni News A l umni News
crescent would be best for my needs. I at JCH so much it was where my twin and linguistic challenges, my university
returned home with much information sister and I held our 21st birthday party. experience in Russia was not so
to read and digest, and doubled down dissimilar to life at JCH. I was part of a
on my study efforts. Academically I really benefited from community of exchange students who
the first-year tutorial programme, as it lived together in the dormitories, shared
Fast forward to February 1987 and I was helped me transition into tertiary study. I meals in the dining hall, did homework
excitedly arriving to begin my BSc at the completed my Science degree and then together and explored the city, much
University of Melbourne and move into an Honours year followed by a PhD in like JCH students when they are finding
my new home at JCH. New experiences Chemistry, and an Arts degree in History their feet in Melbourne.
abounded and I engaged fully with and Philosophy of Science, and Gender
them all, perhaps with a bit much gusto Studies, with time spent as an exchange Towards the end of my degree, I
during O-Week… A misadventure on student at the University of Amsterdam. accepted a place at Melbourne in the
the Yarra on the Monday of O-Week Just saying ‘yes’ to opportunities and Juris Doctor for 2019. At that stage,
required me to go to the Student Health adapting to life’s block points has I wasn’t set on being a lawyer, but
Service and get stitches in my foot and worked for me. With few opportunities considered that a law degree would
spend the rest of the week on crutches for a post-doctoral research career in provide invaluable writing and research
and antibiotics. It slowed me down but Australia, I pivoted and shifted into skills to be applied to any profession.
it didn’t stop me. working as a course adviser for the However, a decision to pursue a long-
Faculty of Science and my career time interest would ultimately validate
College provided me with many evolved such that I have worked as a that decision.
wonderful friends and experiences. It business analyst in higher education for
was amazing to have only a fifteen- the past few decades. In 2019 I undertook a month-long
minute walk to lectures, rather than the International Security and Intelligence
one-hour school bus commute with I regularly catch up with friends from Programme at Cambridge University.
walks and bus change that had been JCH in person and via social media. I I used it as an opportunity to speak to
part of my daily school ritual. And it was enjoy passing the College when out on industry professionals and passionate
fantastic to finish classes and not have regular walks, and my last visit inside students from across the globe to see
to chop wood or do farm chores on the was on Open Day 2022. I noted the whether a career in this field was for me.
weekend. The meals were great, the newly landscaped gardens, the slightly
afternoon teas were splendid and there changed interior and the amazing I had free rein in my JD thesis topic. I
was plenty of opportunity to mix with building extension. What hadn’t changed decided to write a paper evaluating the
people outside of tutorials and lectures. was the welcoming greeting at the efficacy and necessity of mental health
I enjoyed playing intercollegiate sports entrance, nor the overwhelming feeling legislation in Australia which allowed
and helping organise the College ball, of cosiness and warmth. Thank you to for involuntary detention of individuals
contributing to preparation of the all who were part of my College journey, demonstrating extreme fixations and
annual student magazine Tiger Lily Rag, and to all who have continued to create threatening behaviour. In choosing to
and spending many hours playing cards a wonderfully supportive academic deep dive into specific legislation it
into the wee hours. I even learned to home for its students. demonstrated that a legal career might
play a reasonable game of pool! indeed be the path for me.
My fellow students were a source of Sasha Greenaway (2016) I graduated from Law School in 2021
many unexpected lessons, introducing I grew up in and commenced as a law graduate
me to the College’s Arthouse cinema Sydney but with Norton Rose Fulbright, a large
video nights which inspired a lifetime chose to study international firm, in 2022. We have the
passion for cinema and attendance at at the University opportunity to try many legal disciplines
the Melbourne Queer Film Festival and of Melbourne before we settle in one area – not
Melbourne International Film Festival. A after attending unlike the approach that I encourage
trip to Canberra in mid-semester break an Open Day all students to take throughout their
one year saw me visit the National while in high time at university. You never know
Gallery of Australia and experience the school. With too where a new direction may take you.
immensity of Jackson Pollock’s Blue many courses Changing your mind and following a
Poles, inspiring a lifelong passion for art. catching my interest, I was drawn in by new path isn’t giving up, it isn’t failing,
the University of Melbourne’s unique it’s about finding what is the best fit for
College provided plenty of study model which allowed me to you. Taking the time to figure out what
opportunities to give back via take a variety of subjects in different I wanted, where my interests lie, and
community service and I took up a disciplines. I was fortunate enough to be being open to new opportunities as they
role on the Student Club Executive in a JCH resident from 2016 to 2018 while present themselves, has made for a very
second year as General Representative I completed a Bachelor of Arts, majoring interesting start to my career!
(aka Dogsbody), contributing to student in Russian Studies and Spanish & Latin
life with the O-Week programme for American Studies.
newly commencing students and the
production of Cocktail Parties/Movie In 2018, I spent a semester at
Nights and Wine Club events. What Lomonosov Moscow State University
a grand time! I enjoyed celebrations in Russia. Notwithstanding the cultural
J anet Clarke Hall 41