Page 3 - Luce 2024
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                In this issue...

            4  From the Principal                             28  Student Voice
                   Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan                         Development of RNA-editing tools and cancer research
                                                                     Honglin (Kevin) Chen

            6  Strategic Plan 2024–2029
                                                              31  Council News
                                                                     Welcome to new Council members
            8  Point of View                                         Justin Pascoe and Sheryl Bartlett
                   How to solve a problem like greenwashing?
                   Rebekkah Markey-Towler                     34    2023 Honours Recipients

                                                              36    The impact of our ‘First in Family’ scholarships
            13  Interview
                   Dr Drew Berry, biomedical animator         38    Bequest from Dr Lynne McArthur Reid
                   Interviewed by Callum Sargeant

                                                              39  Alumni News
            17  Books and Authors
                  Exploring ‘families’ in Children’s Literature
                   Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan & Dr Jade Dillon Craig  42  Obituaries

            19  News and Events                               45  Donations and Scholarships
                   Leadership Dinner with Dr Jessica Gallagher
                   Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan                   46    2023 Scholarships and Recipients

            24     Records and Remembrance: Making the JCH Mural
                   Erin Mathews                               47  College Leadership

            25  Senior Common Room
                   2023 – A Year of Change and Continuity
                   Margie Welsford

            27     Life in the Library and Archives
                   Cindy Derrenbacker

            Cover image depicts cell tissues in the skin,
            created by biomedical animator Dr Drew Berry (1988).
            See pp13–16

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