Page 5 - Luce 2024
P. 5

One of the most enduring contributions made by a   lifelong friendships. A scholarship at Janet Clarke Hall offers
                 campus-based university experience is our students’   them a real university experience, including the opportunity
                 development of new and transformative social and   to live independently of family, access to high-quality personal
                 intellectual networks. Universities play a key role in   and communal spaces conducive to study, and the chance to
                 disrupting disadvantage and advantage and we risk   focus more fully on being a young learner by reducing their
                 losing this if we do not commit to a campus-based   paid working hours.
                 experience for all.
                                                               Our Strategic Plan 2024-2029 will ensure that we are in a
            Whilst in 2024 undergraduate teaching at the University   position to offer life-changing scholarships to these students
            of Melbourne take places almost wholly in person, it is   whilst also ensuring that the Janet Clarke Hall experience is the
            clear to see that there is a huge discrepancy in the student   first choice of students from all backgrounds and regarded as
            experience, based on a student’s ability to live on or near   one of the best, not only in Australia, but in the world.
            to the university campus and to engage with the social and
            co-curricular opportunities on offer. A student from a low   We are excited to commit ourselves to this ambitious body
            socio-economic status background will be unable to meet   of work, and to ensuring that Janet Clarke Hall remains at the
            the cost of a residential college membership unless they   very forefront of excellence and equity in higher education.
            receive significant scholarship support. For a student from   I hope that you will join us when we officially launch our
            metropolitan Melbourne, this means living at home, often   Strategic Plan 2024-2029 at the College on Friday 21  June
            whilst sharing a bedroom with and caring for younger siblings.   2024.
            For a student from country Victoria or interstate, it means
            finding the cheapest accommodation within commuting   Until then, and with my thanks and warmest wishes,
            distance of Parkville, and often working up to 25 hours a
            week to cover their living costs. Whilst these ‘FIFO students’   Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan
            (so-called because they travel into and out of the campus   Principal
            whilst living and working elsewhere) attend classes and submit
            assignments, they likely miss out on what are arguably the
            most formative aspects of a university education: communal
            living, discovering new talents and passions, and making

            Generations of alumni enjoying the Christmas Jazz and Cocktails event

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