Page 43 - Luce 2024
P. 43
Li Chin Goon (1981) Sally Salter (Stevenson 1952)
5 November 1957– 21 September 2023 17 December 1933 – 29 December 2023
Li Chin Goon came Sally the University of Melbourne’s collection
to Melbourne spent her of antiquities from Cyprus. This
from Penang in childhood included photographing, researching,
her late teens to years on and recording the Cypriot treasures
study. In 1981, after the family in the University registers. When
some years living sheep finance was allocated for putting
independently, she station in the University’s entire collection of
moved into JCH Hay NSW. antiquities on the internet, Sally was
for one year to Along employed in this project.
concentrate on her architecture degree. with her elder sister Virginia
Stevenson (1951), she was educated Later, the Professor of Archaeology
Although enviably focused on her chosen at home by various governesses suggested that she write a book on the
career path, Li Chin could often be persuaded until attending boarding school at Cypriot Collection. This was to be the
to emerge from her coveted JCH room to Clyde (1948-1951) for the final three second in a series of three, covering
hang out with me and her other corridor years of her schooling. Following the three main areas of the University’s
buddies, including Nick Sorella (1980), her matriculation, she arrived at antiquities collections. Two trips to
Hiroko Fukuda (1981) and Anne ‘Doc’ JCH in 1952, joining her sister and Cyprus to photograph excavation sites
Mitchell (1978)* entertaining us with a friends, some of whom were also for the book followed, linked with
mischievous sense of humour not necessarily from Clyde. Sally spent only a year at digging at Pella in Jordan and touring
evident from her quiet manner. Melbourne Uni the first time around, fascinating archaeological sites in
having chosen to study in a field that eastern Turkey.
The 1981 edition of the Tiger Lily Rag was not her forte.
described Li Chin as ‘polite, affable, and The lan Potter Museum of Art then
quietly concerned…’. She was also a Following university she became a asked Sally to curate the Cypriot section
warm and witty friend who loved learning governess, went to Sydney, married, for the opening of their long-awaited
about different cultures and thrived on the had a daughter, then found herself Classics and Archaeology Gallery.
companionship of fellow JCH residents from back in Melbourne after her short-
many different disciplines and backgrounds. lived marriage. After the publication of Cypriot Pottery,
It was most likely these friendships that Sally had more time on her hands and
explain why she came back to JCH in 1982 Initially Sally began teaching at threw herself into volunteer pursuits.
for her final year. Malvern Girls High School but She joined the committee of the still
decided to return to university, very active Clyde Old Girls Association
After graduating with first class honours, Li heading to Monash where she and worked on the Clyde Red Cross
Chin returned to Penang, where she set up studied subjects more suited to committee for several years alongside
her architectural practice, GLC Architect, her interests, graduating with a Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, who was also
and more importantly, bestowed her hand on BA in French and History. She an old Clyde student. She then spent
long-time sweetheart Chee Kwan Wong, who then embarked on a fully fledged much time coordinating the publication
had also studied in Melbourne. They married teaching career where she taught at of the history of Clyde.
in Penang in 1988. I was lucky enough to be a variety of Government and private
present at their wedding, when they showed secondary schools, Prahran High, St Sally had always been interested in the
me amazing hospitality, introducing me to Li Catherine’s, St Michael’s and MLC. environment. She became involved
Chin’s younger sister, Kitt Chin, who had also with Environment Victoria. She was
studied architecture in Australia. For Sally, the study bug took hold proud to assist philanthropically with
again and she brought her teaching the development of self-sufficiency in
Li Chin and Chee Kwan subsequently moved career to an early end, returning to a couple of small Victorian towns as
to Kuala Lumpur, where they brought up their study at Melbourne Uni in the then they strove to ensure their transition to
two daughters. Li Chin came to design many brand-new degree of Bachelor of sustainable power sources and future
impressive large-scale projects in KL during Letters. proof themselves against the challenges
her career, but she never forgot Melbourne, of climate change.
her friends, or her time at JCH, which she By the time she was in her mid-
mentioned with great fondness. 50s, she had begun participating in To her family and friends, Sally was
archaeological digs, either through someone who saw learning as a lifelong
Li Chin died peacefully at home in Kuala Melbourne or Sydney universities, pursuit, as evidenced through her return
Lumpur, surrounded by her family, after a or La Trobe. She joined archaeology to university twice during her lifetime
long illness. She was a special friend who is societies and dug in Tasmania, South and also through her career changes
greatly missed, and our time at JCH was much Australia, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and – representative of a generation when
the richer for her. Cyprus. She travelled many times this was perhaps not as common as it
to Israel and particularly Cyprus is now.
Judith Pattinson (Catchpole, 1981) where she became quite an expert
in Cypriot pottery. She was invited Sarah Salter
*Sadly, now deceased to start accessioning and cataloguing (daughter)
J anet Clarke Hall 43