Page 39 - Luce 2024
P. 39

A l umni News                                                                  A l umni News

                               Allegra        believe I am living and working in   College, we had found a sublet in
                               McCormack      Japan. I am looking forward to pursuing   the top floor of a Victorian era white
                               (2018)         further postgrad study, either back in   stucco terrace and commuted to work
                               I remember     Melbourne or in another city, yet again.   through Hyde Park. We ‘prommed’ at
                               my first night   But I am glad that I took somewhat of a   Royal Albert Hall and met Larry the
                               at JCH very    detour on my five-year plan and ended   Cat at Downing Street.
                               clearly. The   up here.
                               first day of                                     I do have an update on one of the
                               O-Week         My first night in my new city, exhausted   bigger dramas I caused at JCH back in
                               had been a     from a whirlwind orientation and   2009. The late night ER visit with then
                               nervous, giddy   introducing myself to hundreds of   Vice-Principal, Donna Davies, and
                               blur. I’d met   strangers, I kept thinking about those   resultant kidney failure diagnosis did
            so many people and, in the day’s rush,   first few weeks at JCH. I felt like a   little to stop me. The kidney transplant
            could recall about five of their names   fresher all over again. Having to learn   which for 10 years hadn’t been an
            with confidence. I remember the first   new things, make new friends, figure   issue, suddenly became very relevant
            time I was alone that day. Sitting in a   out a brand new public transport   during the COVID-19 pandemic in
            room that had been labelled as mine,   system. I felt the same disbelief and   London. Increasingly urgent and
            it still felt as though it belonged to   vague terror that I’d even been allowed   serious letters were appearing at the
            a stranger. I remember feeling like a   to partake in this new experience.   door from the UK Government’s
            trespasser. I couldn’t have imagined   And, thinking back to the strong and   Health Secretary, stating that I was
            how familiar the College would    welcoming foundation JCH provided,    ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’
            become over the course of my degree.   I knew that I would be just fine.    and should not leave the house. A
            Looking back, it’s almost unbelievable                              food ration was delivered, but that
            how many happy memories are                          Dr Catherine   started to run out, and being number
            crammed into the two years I lived                   Wheller (2009)  478,492 (actual number) in the online
            in JCH.                                              I completed    supermarket queue, we were happy to
                                                                 my Bachelor    finally be allocated our supermarket. It
            Like a lot of people, I came to College              of Science     felt like being part of a war effort. The
            with a plan. And, like a lot of people,              (Honours) in   sirens were constant.
            I realised the plan needed to change.                Geology and
            The world was a lot bigger, with so                  then went      With the imminent (and early) re-
            many more opportunities, than I could                on to do a     emergence of life in London in early
            see from high school. My time in JCH,                PhD working    2021, we made the decision to race
            supported by amazing tutors, helped                  on what the    back to safer Australia. Having used
            me realise my love of history. It crept              thermodynamic   London as an experimental phase
            into my degree; first as a minor and   properties of minerals tell us about   to find my career pivot, I was ready
            then a major, followed by an honours   how a rock was formed. The work   to come back to Melbourne with a
            thesis. I chose to write my thesis on    took me to southern Madagascar to   concrete goal in mind. Where can I
            the construction of Singaporean   explore for rocks with a specific mineral   have the most impact in increasing
            identity prior to the nation’s    configuration along the edge of an   science literacy and accessibility?
            independence in 1965, as recalled   ancient puzzle piece; the join between
            through the oral history of self-  two plates of east and west Gondwana.  I now engage with young STEM
            identified Singaporean women.                                       enthusiasts at the not-for-profit
                                              I enjoyed the communication of my   National Youth Science Forum, and
            Alongside my thesis I undertook   work; learning how to craft a story and   aim to create accessible communities
            several internships focused on the   carry a message. I took an opportunity   that connect young people with
            digitisation and preservation of   to live in London and work at the   careers and pathways they’ve never
            archival material in institutions such   Natural History Museum, employed   heard of before. In January 2024, 68%
            as International House and Cancer   to create a communication strategy   of participants were young women or
            Council Victoria. After graduating, I   that would translate the vital work of   gender-diverse, and 45% were from
            planned to continue with postgraduate   a mass drug administration trial aimed   regional or rural areas. I’m incredibly
            study. But, as the COVID-19 pandemic   at eliminating intestinal worms. No   proud of this work and this team.
            restrictions disappeared and the world   longer working with rocks, and with
            opened up again, I felt a familiar   a developing expertise in strategically   Looking forward, I’m keen to increase
            realisation that the plan needed to   communicating with many audiences, I   my education and experience in
            change again.                     later joined University College London   leadership and governance. I’ve
                                              to work on communicating the ethics   completed the Homeward Bound
            I was honoured to be selected as an   of AI and the ‘Internet of Things’ in an   program with 100 other women from
            assistant language teacher for the JET   increasingly connected world.  around the world, and I am a graduate
            Program in 2023. I am currently living                              of the Foundations of Directorship
            in a Kõnosu, a small city in Saitama   This time in London was incredible.   course run by the Australian Institute of
            famous for flowers and fireworks.   Living with a partner who had also   Company Directors.
            Even after six months I still can’t quite   moved to London for a stint at Imperial

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