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Reflections and gratitude from past recipients of the life-changing
‘First in Family’ scholarships
Thomas Skinner (2014)
Reflecting on my life a decade since
I came to JCH, I am confident that I
would not have been able to pursue
my university studies without the
First in Family scholarship and the
unparalleled support I received from
the community at Janet Clarke Hall.
Unfortunately, life can be a bit of
a lottery. I came from a low socio-
economic background in a rural
community and there was a significant
amount of fear surrounding whether
I would be able to afford to live and
Susan Skinner (2013) study at the same time. Alexandra Francis (2014)
JCH was an incredible opportunity for I came from a rural background and
me and this scholarship allowed me to I studied a Bachelor of Arts and a eight months before I came to JCH I had
focus on my studies and cope with the Master of Criminology. Currently I been in an accident and could no longer
huge transition from the country to the hold a position within the Department pursue my desired athletic career. I was
city. of Justice and Community Safety. My quite lost. I had devoted a lot of my
work largely centres around guiding early life to this career. Going to College
I would not have coped living on my individuals experiencing mental illness, in a big city felt daunting, and different
own in Melbourne, and I needed addiction, homelessness, and/or to what I had been preparing myself for
the supportive environment that JCH family violence through the Victorian – but being in JCH surrounded by other
provided. There was no ability for infringements system. motivated, caring and supportive people
financial support from my parents, so (including staff and tutors) helped me
this scholarship was greatly appreciated My sister, Susan, and I attended find direction again.
and still is to this day. JCH between 2013 and 2017 at a
time when there was an unfortunate I thank the First in Family scholarship
A lot happened during my time at JCH. breakdown in our family due to family donors from the depths of my heart. My
I experienced family violence and violence perpetrated by a family time at JCH changed the trajectory of my
became homeless by the end of my member. Words cannot express life entirely for the better. Since leaving
first year. JCH was there for me when how appreciative we are to have JCH, I have completed a Masters degree,
I needed somewhere to call home. I met truly amazing people within spurred on by the courage of my College
felt safe and protected at JCH. It felt the JCH community who supported peers who also wanted to undertake
like people were watching out for me us unconditionally during such a postgraduate studies. Without them I
and truly wanted me to succeed in my tumultuous time in our lives. To the probably would never have considered
studies. I will forever be grateful for the donors, I am just one of the many it. But they inspired me.
care that JCH staff provided me. people you have helped find new hope
along their journey in life. I sincerely I hope one day to be in the position
The emotional and financial support appreciate everything you do to to donate to enable another student to
provided by JCH and First in Family support those in need. enjoy the life-changing experience of
literally saved my life! It put me on a JCH.
trajectory that I could not have imagined
prior to coming to JCH. I currently
work as a Disability Advocate, fighting
for the human rights of some of our
most vulnerable people. Without the
opportunities from JCH, I would not be
doing what I am doing now. JCH helped
to build my confidence as a young adult
and those skills I developed then have
supported me through my 20s.
36 LUCE Number 22 2023