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C ouncil  N ews

                                                               Australia Day Honours 2023

                                                               MEMBER (AM) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION
                                                               OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA

                                                                                   Mrs Annette (Anne) Mary
                                                                                   Court AM (1960)
                                                                                   For significant service to golf
                                                                                   administration, and to the
                                                                                   In 1960 my parents were embarking
                                                                                   on their first overseas journey
                                                                                   together, so I was enrolled as a
                                                                                   resident at JCH. Having already
                                                                                   spent one carefree year at the
                                                       Source:  request permission to be out after 10pm, then obtain a leave
                                                                                   University I was amazed to have to
                                                               pass for a midnight or 1.30am curfew! I accused my mother
                                                               of committing me to an institution, but what fun it turned out
                                                               to be – a truly wonderful experience. Towards the end of the
                                                               year, Margaret Dewey called me to her office and asked if
                                                               I would be returning to College as she had a future plan in
            MEDAL (OAM) OF THE ORDER                           mind, but when I informed her I was leaving to get married
            OF AUSTRALIA                                       she nearly flipped!

            Dr Meredith Freeman OAM (1962)                     I was fortunate to marry James Court who at the time was
            For service to conservation and the                serving on the Trinity College Council, which he continued to
            environment.                                       do for many years. My connection with both Trinity and JCH
                                                               has continued to this day.
            Meredith originally studied Arts/Music at the University
            of Melbourne and later achieved an MEd and PhD at   To receive an AM in the 2023 Australia Day Honours was a
            La Trobe University.                               very distinct surprise and most humbling, particularly when so
                                                               many others would be more worthy of an award.
            In 1998 she was co-founder and operator of ‘Tarnuk
            Bush Food and Flowers’ and in 2012 of ‘Grow Lightly   In the late 1970s Anne began her involvement with
            Connect’, a shop for wholesale customers looking for   administration in women’s golf when appointed Associates
            fresh and truly local produce. She was also founding   Vice-Captain at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club. Her
            member and former newsletter editor of the Prom    commitment grew from the early 1980s through Women’s
            Country Bushfood Association.                      Golf Victoria (formerly the Victorian Ladies’ Golf Union)
                                                               continuing with Women’s Golf Australia, then as a National
            As a teacher, author and community volunteer,      Referee until about 2017. She worked on the Match
            Meredith’s contribution to the promotion and       Committee at the Australian Opens – both Men’s and
            cultivation of native food plants has spanned several   Women’s – and performed a challenging refereeing role. Her
            decades and continues to this day.                 ultimate refereeing role was at the 2011 President’s Cup held
                                                               at the RMGC.

                                                               Some of her other activities over the years involved positions
                                                               on various fundraising committees and charities. She
                                                               later entered the corporate world, serving on boards and
                                                               subsequently chairing East African Coffee Plantations Ltd until
                                                               it was taken over. Since 2007 she has been a board member
                                                               of mecwacare, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aged
                                                               care and disability support.

                                                                                                  J anet Clarke Hall  35
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