Page 30 - Luce 2024
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S tudent  Voice

                           From the Student                                     Valedictory Dinner
                           Club President                                       On 13 October, it was time to farewell

                                                                                around forty JCH students who would
                           My time as the 2022/23 Student Club                  be graduating or moving on at the end
                           President was full of new adventures,                of the academic year. Annabelle Love
                           exciting challenges and incredible                   addressed the continuing students on
                           opportunities for both personal                      behalf of the departing cohort.
                           and leadership development. The
          opportunity to represent our Student Club both within College   ‘On behalf of those of us who are leaving within a matter of
          and more broadly in the intercollegiate space was a wonderful   weeks, I want to say that it has been an honour and a joy to
          experience, and I had the chance to meet some amazing   share your company over the last year or more. It is bittersweet
          people. I am so thankful for the connections I have made with   to say goodbye, knowing we will no longer walk the same
          JCH students, staff, Council members, and representatives at   corridors … To those here and away, thank you. Thank you for
          other colleges.                                    making our stay at JCH a time of comfort and of exploration.
                                                             Because of you, we leave this College with firm friends and fond
          The role began quite quickly, starting off with planning for our   memories. So, do enjoy College while you’re here. It’s a very
          2022 Valedictory Dinner before a summer break, filled with   special place to be.
          organising our 2023 Welcome Week. With the help of co-
          coordinator William Thomas, our group of leaders welcomed   As I wrote this speech, I delved into the JCH history books to
          59 new students to JCH during our Wayback Week. The   reflect on the changes and continuities over the last 100 years.
          week was filled with laughs, dancing, and opportunities for   I’m glad to see that, unlike in the 1950s, staff are invited to our
          new students to try new things. The extensive planning that   Valedictory Dinner! To the staff and tutors, we thank you for
          went into this week was all worth it to see our newest JCHers   your support and for all the work you do.
          make new friends and begin to feel at home in our College
          community.                                         One thing that has remained the same for the last 100 years is
                                                             our love for supper, ‘that quintessential aspect of College life’.
          One of my favourite ways to see the College community come   Only over supper at JCH will you hear leaping conversations
          together is at intercollegiate events, held by the intercollegiate   of philosophy, dictatorships and… rice cakes? Keep the
          sporting and activity councils. Our JCH sporting teams gave it   conversations around food flowing inside and out of College and
          their all, managing to bring home a few medals along the way.   maybe in 70 years’ time some of you will be like my Grandma
          Our students also participated in a variety of arts and culture   (Elizabeth Sevior 1948) who shared her 90  birthday lunch with
          events in the intercollegiate sphere, such as ‘Theatresports’   old JCH friends, just months before her passing.
          and ‘Battle of the Bands’. Putting yourself out there in an
          arts setting also plays a key role in our College culture, with   JCH is a special place. It amused me to read that in the 1950s,
          events such as Royal Variety and Wintersong inviting students   the College was described as ‘a place of young, intelligent,
          to share their talent and creativity with each other. The Mid-  active human beings comprising a puzzling and endearing
          Winter Dinner was a beautiful evening, with the JCR being   amalgam of vice and virtue’. I’ll leave it up to you to decide
          named the winners of the Ethel Bage Memorial Debate. Being   whether that’s an accurate description of us today!
          involved in the organisation and running of events such as
          these was so rewarding, and I loved every minute of watching   As you continue into 2024, keep JCH as a space of open
          the Student Club enjoy what we had planned for them.  discussion and debate where differing opinions, cultures and
                                                             experiences are not only welcomed but celebrated.
          In September, we announced the 2023/24 Student Club
          Executive at our Changeover Dinner and I was very excited to   But for now, cherish your friends beside you. Speaking on behalf
          hand over the role to outgoing Secretary Della Knight. It was   of those of us who are soon to farewell JCH, I know we all look
          a full circle moment to see the new Executive team planning   forward to spending these last precious weeks with you.’
          the 2023 Valedictory Dinner, a beautiful garden-party themed
          night in which we farewelled our departing students. I know
          Della and her team will do a great job in the coming year.

          My time as Student Club President was an incredible
          experience that I have no doubt has helped shape me as a
          person. I would like to thank all of our wonderful JCH staff for
          their support throughout my time at College and especially
          during my time as President. In particular, my thanks go to
          Dr Spencer-Regan for all of her help during and after my time
          in the role. I would also like to thank my fellow Student Club
          Executive members for their kindness and support and send
          them very best wishes for their future endeavours.

          Ayva Jones
          Student Club President (2022/23)                   L-R: Meg Breidahl (Bailie 1949), Lyn Graham (Weller 1949),
                                                             Elizabeth Sevior (1948)

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