Page 29 - Luce 2024
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S tudent  Voice

                                                               therapeutics, we are still in early days of its research and some
                                                               issues presented are yet to be solved.

                                                               Getting CRISPR/Cas to play nicely inside lab flasks is one thing
                                                               but guiding it to those tissues or cells within a living organism is
                                                               another challenge altogether. The hitch? While CRISPR/Cas13
                                                               works potently once in a cell, getting into the cell proves to be
                                                               a hurdle. It struggles to pinpoint where the problem cells are,
                                                               and it also struggles to get into those cells due to the size of
                                                               the system. Luckily, emerging methods like lipid nanoparticles
                                                               could hold the key to unlocking efficient delivery straight to
                                                               desired tissues.

                                                               Apart from the difficulties in delivery, as the CRISPR/Cas system
                                                               originated from bacteria, our own human immune system isn’t
                                                               always welcoming to this foreign system. If our immune system
                                                               destroys Cas13 proteins before they can silence cancerous
                                                               RNAs, this will nullify the intended therapeutic outcome. We
                                                               are still in the dark about those long-term side effects on our
            To simplify things, crRNA works like a GPS system that is   immune system, urging us to move forward carefully.
            paired to the Cas13 missiles. When a foreign RNA sequence is
            detected, crRNA guides Cas13 to destroy the invading RNAs   Off-target effect and safety concerns
            (Graph 3). In addition, when another bacteriophage bearing   To be able to be approved for human therapeutics, CRISPR/
            different virulent RNA infiltrates, CRiSPR-Cas13 can also adapt   Cas13 needs a laser-like precision with its target RNA -- even
            by generating an alternative crRNA, precisely tailored to match   0.01% of off-targeting can be proven to be detrimental.
            the RNA sequence of the newfound invader.          However, researchers have shown that crRNA binding is a bit
                                                               forgiving and can tolerate a few mismatches. This means Cas13
            As RNAs are the precursors of proteins, if we can cleave and   proteins can unintentionally silence RNAs not meant to be
            destroy tumour-driving RNAs, we can stop different types of   affected. This highlights the need to systematically study the
            cancer at their roots. By engineering CRISPR GPS (artificial   off-target effects from Cas13 proteins to ensure their therapeutic
            crRNAs) to target RNAs of interest, we can unleash Cas13   safety.
            proteins to specifically destroy cancerous RNA without harming
            healthy cells lacking those cancer mutations. This game-  Yet hope glimmers on the horizon. These challenges spark
            changing RNA-targeting system promises precision, adaptability  innovation and pave the way for improvements. Our research
            and cost-effectiveness – gone are the days of chasing cancer   group (Fareh Group of Trapani Lab, Peter MacCallum Cancer
            mutations, we can now easily tailor the tool to fit the specific   Centre) is already smashing barriers, fine-tuning the level of
            needs of specific patients.                        precision-targeting, and devising solutions to tackle mismatch
                                                               tolerance. Plus, we are pioneering lipid nanoparticle technology
            CRISPR and its therapeutic future                  for in vivo deliveries. These strides bring us one step closer
            Like any superhero, CRISPR/Cas13 isn’t without its kryptonite.   to the application of CRISPR/Cas13 for efficient and safe
            While it offers a lot of potential for both research and clinical   personalised cancer therapies.

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