Page 26 - Luce 2024
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S enior  C o mmon  Ro om

          to Europe to immerse herself in further language learning.   Academic Results
          Cindy has commenced research for her PhD in Theology.
          They will both be sorely missed.                      The academic results from 2023 were again strong
                                                                with 87% of all grades at honours level and 43% first
          The University Colleges Australia (UCA) Conference    class honours. Our students are to be congratulated
          The Principal and I joined our colleagues and friends from   for their hard work, as are our tutors and Briana
          around Australia and New Zealand at the conference which   Ellis, Dean of Studies, who all gave the students their
          was held in Canberra in the September break. The theme   unwavering support throughout the year.
          of the conference was ‘The Whole Person’ and Dr Spencer-
          Regan was a member of the Organising Committee and    With an impressive 54 tutors engaged in the 2023
          responsible for sponsorship and promotions. A highlight   Tutorial Program, our students were supported in a
          for JCH was that Dr Damian Powell, former Principal, was   wide variety of discipline areas and subjects ranging
          awarded a lifetime membership of UCA in acknowledgement   from Classical Mythology and Modern Architecture to
          of his contribution to our sector and for his ‘significant   Elements of Quantum Computing and Experimental
          efforts in enhancing collegiate values through (his) activities.’   Pathology. The most popular subjects, in terms of
          Notably, one of Damian’s predecessors, Dr Eva Eden AM   enrolments, were Japanese 1 and Linear Algebra!
          (Principal 1964-1984), had been made a Life Member of UCA
          back in 1985.
                                                                    2023 STUDENT RESULTS
          We welcomed around 70 alumni to our Christmas Jazz
          and Cocktails event. Whilst the weather was on the chilly                  P
          side, the atmosphere could not have been warmer, and it      H3           10%       N3%
          was wonderful to see alumni from all decades enjoying       10%
          each other’s company and sharing memories of their days
          in College. Sarah Maclaine and her band entertained us   H2B
          with relaxed jazz tunes as the sun set over the garden   13%
          and we farewelled another College year.
          It certainly has been another year of academic
          achievement, fun activities, important connections      H2A                                43%
          and wonderful celebrations, and I look forward to a     21%
          similarly exciting 2024.

          Margie Welsford
          Deputy Principal

          *  Recollections of Janet Clarke Hall (1964), Enid Joske,
            JCH Principal 1928-1952

          (L-R)  Back: Aidan Carter, Josh McLeod, Jack Tan, Amy Bongetti
                   Front: Bek Markey-Towler, Briana Ellis, Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan, Margie Welsford, Elise Matthyssen

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