Page 23 - Luce 2024
P. 23

N ews a nd  Events

                                                                A night to remember: the

                                                                JCH Ball

                                                                In the heart of Fitzroy, the St. Andrew’s Conservatory
                                                                underwent a stunning transformation, becoming a celestial
                                                                wonderland for the annual JCH Ball. With 130 eager guests
                                                                anticipating an unforgettable night, the stage was set for an
                                                                extraordinary experience.

                                                                The decision to choose St. Andrew’s Conservatory as the
                                                                venue for the 2023 Ball was immediate upon our initial visit.
                                                                The theme, ‘Across the Cosmos’  inspired a stellar evening,
                                                                and the venue’s unique charm, complete with a glass roof
                                                                and starry-like lanterns, provided the perfect canvas for our

            Soprano Lorina Gore performs with the Seraphim Trio  Coordinating the event alongside fourth-year resident, Luke
                                                                Franz, was an enjoyable yet challenging experience. Our
            A heart-warming concert                             journey began in November 2022, involving meticulous
                                                                planning, from budgeting to problem-solving for table
                                                                organisation and selecting decorations. Fortunately, Luke and
            In lieu of a Springtime Concert, in 2023 we were treated to   I were supported by an incredibly passionate and dedicated
            a mid-year event titled ‘Snapshots of Love and Life.’ It was   Ball team. Comprising first-year residents Josephine Ung,
            lovely to welcome back once again to JCH the Seraphim   Bri Burgess, and Evie Archer, this dynamic team played
            Trio, including our Kenneth Moore Memorial Music Scholar   an instrumental role in bringing every aspect of the event
            Prof. Anna Goldsworthy, and also to welcome soprano   together. Fortunately, now experienced Ball connoisseur,
            Lorina Gore.                                        Evie Archer – recently elected JCH Vice President for 2024 –
                                                                will have the honour of organising the next annual Ball.
            The concert’s program wove an interesting story, presenting
            a traditional narrative of a woman’s life and further enriching   The dance floor, pulsating with energy, became a focal
            it with additional seasons of love, exploring beyond just   point for uninhibited revelry, while the photo booth added
            romance and final loss.                             an extra layer of enjoyment as attendees captured candid
                                                                moments and unleashed their creativity with funky props.
            The concert opened and closed with a significant song
            cycle, beginning with Robert Schumann’s ‘Frauenliebe und   Reflecting on the success of the 2023 JCH Ball, I am filled
            Leben’ (A Woman’s Love and Life) Opus 42. This work    with pride – not only for the seamless execution of our vision
            dates from 1840, the year of Robert Schumann’s marriage    but also for the sense of joy and camaraderie that permeated
            to Clara, and explores the touchstones of love, marriage,   the entire evening. The memories forged on the night will
            birth, and death, utilising settings of the poems by Adelbert   undoubtedly linger, serving as a testament to the collective
            von Chamisso.                                       effort, dedication, and enthusiasm of everyone involved.
                                                                From the pulsating beats on the dance floor to the laughter
            The song cycles were connected in the program by Clara   resonating from the photo booth, each element contributed
            Schumann’s popular ‘Piano Trio in G minor’ Opus 17,   to an atmosphere of pure celebration.
            and the concert concluded with the new work by Anne
            Cawrse, ‘Snapshots of Love and Life’, with libretto by Anna   Brigitte Shill
            Goldsworthy. These works beautifully added a much richer
            context to Robert Schumann’s work, since they provided
            the composition of Clara Schumann herself and then the
            fuller contemporary picture of a woman’s life, including the
            contradictions, challenges, and compromises.

            The performance was warmly received by all and was
            followed by a generous afternoon tea for the diverse
            audience of College alumni and members of the
            Parkville community. Many also enjoyed the privilege
            of conversations with the musicians afterwards. I would
            certainly encourage alumni to attend future occasions of this
            annual tradition, celebrating music and bringing the College
            community together.

            Joshua McLeod
            Resident tutor
                                                               Happy revellers at the Ball

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